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800successful projects close to Gujjadi2 in environment

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Gujjadi2. But this may be of interest to you.
Stop Plastic! – Goa (India)

Kids / Youth, tourism, and Environment

Goa Velha and Lausanne

Stop Plastic! – Goa (India)

by Swiss Cetacean Society and Ivan

Help us launching an environmental awareness campaign in India! We fight plastic pollution, and protect the endangered marine wildlife of Goa.

101 %
CHF 20’329
189 backers
Leo 2016



Leo 2016

by Association Terre et Faune

Help us to raise the funds to build a recreational space for the leopards where they can spend a few hours per day in a plant enriched semi-natural space.

109 %
CHF 21’957
23 backers
Fight Hunger, Fight Corona

Food, Community, and Environment

Zürich, Mumbai, and Delhi

Fight Hunger, Fight Corona

by Naveen Shams and Rhythima

Social Distancing is a luxury for the world's poor. India’s 21 day lockdown has thrown thousands of daily wage workers out of jobs. Help vulnerable families and the unemployed buy food & medicines.

165 %
CHF 41’440
391 backers
Help the Helpers – Sri Lanka

Community and Environment


Drinkable water for Sri Lankan families. We search supporters for our «Help the Helpers» project, financing water filters donated to the poorest of the poor.

127 %
EUR 1’270
23 backers
Clean Koraput Project

Community and Environment

Koraput, Dürnten, and Zürich

Clean Koraput Project

by Thierry Hunziker

Ist es möglich eine indische Stadt, abseits von Tourismus und westlicher Kultur, mit einem nachhaltigen Abfallsystem zu kreuzen? Wir glauben ja! Unterstütze uns finanziell und präge die Zukunft mit!

107 %
CHF 10’730
90 backers
Bauern & Elefanten SriLankas

Agriculture and Environment

Jonen and Tissamaharama

Elefanten und gleichzeitig traditionell arbeitende Bauern in Sri Lanka unterstützen? Das geht! Unser Ziel: Wir ermöglichen eine friedliche Co-Existenz und tun etwas für eine stark bedrohte Tierart!

104 %
CHF 17’178
49 backers
Pangong Project

Sport and Environment


Pangong Project

by Pangong Project

On the edge of the highest peaks in the world, a very high altitude diving expedition in a remote lake, lost in the mountains of the Himalaya

140 %
CHF 21’070
94 backers
Clean up Ladakh

Community, tourism, and Environment


Clean up Ladakh

by Support_Ladakh

Because of Covid-19 there are no tourists in Ladakh . That's why female trekking guides are planning to do a clean-up event in the Markah valley and in basecamps which help the women to get an income.

123 %
CHF 5’548
47 backers
The dream of Inle Lake child

Film, Kids / Youth, and Environment


This is a documentary about the environment. The children of Inle Lake dream that one day their region and country will finally get rid of all plastic waste.

120 %
CHF 18’000
67 backers
Organic seeds from Pabhoi

Startup, agriculture, and Environment


Organic seeds from Pabhoi

by Neelam Dutta, WFSCAN, and Sativa Rheinau AG

Our organic seed initiative produces diverse, reproducible plant varieties. We give local farmers an alternative to seeds provided by multinationals which need to be bought again every season.

124 %
CHF 41’186
226 backers
Education & Environment

Kids / Youth, Environment, and Education

Lausanne and Bang Rin

Education & Environment

by Laurence Pian, APUJOL, and Capucine Paour

By the Jan & Oscar Foundation. Help the Moken people (sea gypsies) in their fight against plastic pollution, to protect the oceans through education and professional training.

105 %
CHF 21’130
78 backers
Happy Home make it your own

Science, Community, and Environment

Si Racha

CAD Arbeit für 3 Modellhäuser, damit arme Familien im Selbstbau ein modulares, einfaches, stabiles und bezahlbares Heim bauen können. Unterstütze uns die Prototypen in Serienproduktion umsetzen!