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832successful projects close to Syracuse in environment
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Agriculture, Community, and Environment
Food Forest in Sizilien
by Crowd Container

Science, Environment, and Animals
Sicilì and Zürich
Wir tun mehr für das Meer!
by Thomas Murschetz

Community, tourism, and Environment
Auszeiten im Haus Momo
by Rahel

Politics, Community, and Environment
Geneva, Rome, and Paris
Indigene Lobbyreise und Film
by Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker

Agriculture, Environment, and Animals
Hilfe für Futter
by Tierhilfe Tirana and Verein Hof Ring 105

Community, tourism, and Environment
Fernwanderweg Peloponnes
by Rolf

Startup and Environment
Gea – Women run distillery
by i-platform

Kids / Youth, Environment, and Education
Neuchâtel and Travnik
Rivjeka:CH+BH Youth 4 Rivers
by i-platform

Agriculture, tourism, and Environment
An environment to protect
by Alessia

Food, agriculture, and Environment
Graz and Gamlitz
MANAs 1.große Apfelweinernte
by Verlag Kintsugi

Agriculture, architecture, and Environment
Bau mit uns ein Tiny House!
by WildnisKulturHof, backofficeandmore, and Judith Anger

Design, Kids / Youth, and Environment
Recyclable play furniture
by Papperlapapp