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7315successful projects close to Gujjadi2

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Ein Laptop für Sanjana

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


Ein Laptop für Sanjana

by Urs Keller / Indien

Sanjana ist im zweiten Studienjahr und hat einen veralteten Laptop. Sie kann sich keinen neuen Laptop, der für das Softwarestudium notwendig ist, leisten. Herzlichen Dank!

115 %
CHF 1’150
16 backers
Sanjanas Studium ermöglichen

Kids / Youth and Education


Sanjanas Studium ermöglichen

by Urs Keller / Indien

Sanjana lebt in Südindien in ärmlichsten Verhältnissen. Sie beendete die 12. Klasse mit Bestnote und begann ihr Informatikstudium. Das Ziel ist ihr zweites Studienjahr zu ermöglichen. Herzlichen Dank!

108 %
EUR 3’700
16 backers
Crowd Container #3

Food and Fair Trade

Zürich and Kozhikode

Crowd Container #3

by Crowd Container

Vermisst du den roten Reis, die Gewürze, das Kokosöl, Kaffee und die besten Cashews der Welt? Unsere Partner in Kerala freuen sich schon riesig auf deine nächste Bestellung!

126 %
CHF 76’191
467 backers
Crowd Container

Food, Startup, and Fair Trade

Kozhikode and Zurich

Crowd Container

by Crowd Container

Bestell deine Gewürze, Nüsse, Kaffee, Reis und feines Kokosöl direkt bei den BäuerInnen in Kerala! Hilf mit, den Crowd Container zu füllen und werde Teil eines neuen Modells für den fairen Handel.

161 %
CHF 83’994
530 backers
Pavithra becomes a nurse!

Community and Education


Pavithra becomes a nurse!

by Henriette & Stephi

Pavithra lives in South India with her family and would like to train as a nurse. The aim is to support her in this by financing her training and her living costs.

107 %
EUR 4’240
53 backers
Leo 2016



Leo 2016

by Association Terre et Faune

Help us to raise the funds to build a recreational space for the leopards where they can spend a few hours per day in a plant enriched semi-natural space.

109 %
CHF 21’957
23 backers
Fight Hunger, Fight Corona

Food, Community, and Environment

Zürich, Mumbai, and Delhi

Fight Hunger, Fight Corona

by Naveen Shams and Rhythima

Social Distancing is a luxury for the world's poor. India’s 21 day lockdown has thrown thousands of daily wage workers out of jobs. Help vulnerable families and the unemployed buy food & medicines.

165 %
CHF 41’440
391 backers

Film and Music

Mumbai and Vevey


by Malcolm Braff

Greenwoman takes the chance to shoot a video clip in Mumbai with elephants, beards and other surprises!

105 %
CHF 3’685
74 backers
None Of Them & Zweihund

Film and Music

Mumbai and Zurich

None Of Them & Zweihund

by Nice Try Records

«None Of Them» make music for the 22nd century. Filmmakers zweihund will shoot a video clip in India for the song «Silence», which will appear simultaneously with the debut album.

101 %
CHF 6’110
56 backers
Under Mango Trees

Film and Community

Jaffna and Bern

Under Mango Trees

by Damaris Lüthi

A documentary film about women in the civil war of Sri Lanka: Memories and dreams of combattants, refugees and victims.

107 %
CHF 23’680
63 backers
Help the Helpers – Sri Lanka

Community and Environment


Drinkable water for Sri Lankan families. We search supporters for our «Help the Helpers» project, financing water filters donated to the poorest of the poor.

127 %
EUR 1’270
23 backers
Clowns for Humanity

Community, Performing arts, and Kids / Youth


Clowns for Humanity

by Clowns for Humanity

6-wöchige Tour durch Sri Lanka im Nov. & Dez. 2019. Wir spielen unsere stündige Clownshow kostenfrei in Schulen, Heimen, Altersheimen, Krankenhäusern und Gefängnissen. Es sind 30-40 Auftritte geplant.