Drei Jahre war sie auf der Flucht. Jetzt sollen die ergreifenden selbst gemalten und geschriebenen Geschichten der jungen Mahboubah übersetzt und professionell für eine Publikation aufbereitet werden.

CHF 4’211

120% di CHF 3’500

120 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

43 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 31.8.2019

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  • My friend in my loneliness! Made in China and bought in Serbia! The police of Croatia damaged it terribly and took in its memory drive containing pictures and videos I had recorded of my way, and they gave me back my broken mobile phone! Not only the memory drive, but they also seized my flash drive which contained old photos of my family and an unfinished story! They made me cry for the story which I had written but didn’t have it anymore!
    My friend in my loneliness! Made in China and bought in Serbia! The police of Croatia damaged it terribly and took in its memory drive containing pictures and videos I had recorded of my way, and they gave me back my broken mobile phone! Not only the memory drive, but they also seized my flash drive which contained old photos of my family and an unfinished story! They made me cry for the story which I had written but didn’t have it anymore!
  • Power bank! A broken power bank which saved the lives of a Pakistani, an Iranian and an Afghan group! If I hadn’t seen it with my very eyes or someone else had described it, it could have been difficult to believe! A miracle! Yes, it was a miracle. This power bank has an incredible story. Follow me. I’ll tell you an unbelievable story about a damaged power bank.
    Power bank! A broken power bank which saved the lives of a Pakistani, an Iranian and an Afghan group! If I hadn’t seen it with my very eyes or someone else had described it, it could have been difficult to believe! A miracle! Yes, it was a miracle. This power bank has an incredible story. Follow me. I’ll tell you an unbelievable story about a damaged power bank.
  • A Quran as big as a …..! An Iranian woman was the owner of this Quran who was with us in the camp in Serbia for two months. She gave me the Quran and said «Keep it with you. I don’t recite Quran but I know you are a believer and you recite it!» She said «I’ll depart and go on. Pray for me. If I get there and you as well, I’ll buy you a bigger Quran!»
    A Quran as big as a …..! An Iranian woman was the owner of this Quran who was with us in the camp in Serbia for two months. She gave me the Quran and said «Keep it with you. I don’t recite Quran but I know you are a believer and you recite it!» She said «I’ll depart and go on. Pray for me. If I get there and you as well, I’ll buy you a bigger Quran!»
  • The Old Bill! It was around 10 in the evening when I heard my uncle’s motorcycle. As usual I ran out of the yard and he held me in his arm, kissed me hard on my chicks, sat me on his motorcycle and brought me into the yard. He searched his pocket and took out a shiny plastic pack, gave it to me and said put this in your savings to have more. He said «a Seyyed gave it to me and I’ll give it to you!»
    The Old Bill! It was around 10 in the evening when I heard my uncle’s motorcycle. As usual I ran out of the yard and he held me in his arm, kissed me hard on my chicks, sat me on his motorcycle and brought me into the yard. He searched his pocket and took out a shiny plastic pack, gave it to me and said put this in your savings to have more. He said «a Seyyed gave it to me and I’ll give it to you!»
  • The mobile phone cover or the mobile phone case! Railway, cold wind, wet withered and dried leaves… we all hid in a wrecked house near Croatia’s border! Worry and anxiety had made me impatient so I went out of the house which was suffocating me with stink of garbage and lavatory. I pushed aside the fallen leaves. I just could see them. For a moment I noticed the white corner of the phone cover among the leaves. I picked it up quickly.
    The mobile phone cover or the mobile phone case! Railway, cold wind, wet withered and dried leaves… we all hid in a wrecked house near Croatia’s border! Worry and anxiety had made me impatient so I went out of the house which was suffocating me with stink of garbage and lavatory. I pushed aside the fallen leaves. I just could see them. For a moment I noticed the white corner of the phone cover among the leaves. I picked it up quickly.
  • Red Shoes! My favorite colour! The colour I chose for my shoes twice on the way. Once in Turkey, the other time in Serbia. But I left those red Turkish shoes in Samos island. But these red shoes accompanied me from Serbia to Switzerland. They are loyal but they injured my left ankle badly, causing an undying pain. While I was walking in a grand market, which was held annually in Bosilegrad, Serbia, I was thinking about going to the camp in Hungry. There were many kinds of shoes in that market but the colour and beauty of these ones deceived me! I will tell a story both pleasant and unpleasant about my companion shoes.
    Red Shoes! My favorite colour! The colour I chose for my shoes twice on the way. Once in Turkey, the other time in Serbia. But I left those red Turkish shoes in Samos island. But these red shoes accompanied me from Serbia to Switzerland. They are loyal but they injured my left ankle badly, causing an undying pain. While I was walking in a grand market, which was held annually in Bosilegrad, Serbia, I was thinking about going to the camp in Hungry. There were many kinds of shoes in that market but the colour and beauty of these ones deceived me! I will tell a story both pleasant and unpleasant about my companion shoes.

(Auszüge als Beispiel - weitere Bilder und Texte zur Ansicht gerne auf Anfrage )

«A broken power bank which saved the lives of a Pakistani, an Iranian and an Afghan group! If I hadn’t seen it with my very eyes or someone else had described it, it could have been difficult to believe! A miracle! Yes, it was a miracle. This power bank has an incredible story. Follow me. I’ll tell you an unbelievable story about a damaged power bank.»

«My friend in my loneliness! Made in China and bought in Serbia! The police of Croatia damaged it terribly and took in its memory drive containing pictures and videos I had recorded of my way, and they gave me back my broken mobile phone! Not only the memory drive, but they also seized my flash drive which contained old photos of my family and an unfinished story! They made me cry for the story which I had written but didn’t have it anymore!»

«Red Shoes! My favorite colour! The colour I chose for my shoes twice on the way. Once in Turkey, the other time in Serbia. But I left those red Turkish shoes in Samos island. But these red shoes accompanied me from Serbia to Switzerland. They are loyal but they injured my left ankle badly, causing an undying pain. While I was walking in a grand market, which was held annually in Bosilegrad, Serbia, I was thinking about going to the camp in Hungry. There were many kinds of shoes in that market but the colour and beauty of these ones deceived me! I will tell a story both pleasant and unpleasant about my companion shoes.»

Stand 26 OktoberDi Kulturvermittlung Barbara Balba Weber, il 26.10.2019

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Mit dem Geld konnten wir Mahboubah unter anderem einen einfachen Laptop kaufen. Sie hat darauf schon fast 100 Seiten für die Mahboubah Story geschrieben, die jetzt in die Übersetzung gehen. Parallel dient die selbst gemalte Landkarte als Vorlage, um die Übersicht ihrer Odyssee durch die vielen Länder zu bekommen. Wir machen davon Sprach- und Videoaufnahmen.

Projektstand_1 OktoberDi Kulturvermittlung Barbara Balba Weber, il 01.10.2019

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Sahereh und Mahboubah haben zusammen eine Karte erstellt mit der Route, die Mahboubah in den drei Jahren ihrer Flucht zurück gelegt hat. Von dieser «Reise» hat Mahboubah verschiedene Objekte bis in die Schweiz gebracht: Ein Haargummi, ein zerbrochenes Spiegelchen, eine Röntgenaufnahme ihres gebrochenen Fusses, einen geschenkten Mini-Koran, etc. Hinter all diesen Objekten stecken Geschichten, Gefühle, Erinnerungen. Sahereh ermittelt im Moment in Interviews mit Mahboubah diese vielschichtigen Hintergründe und fasst sie schriftlich zusammen. Mahboubah macht dazu Bilder und Texte. Parallel dazu entsteht eine Liste von Künstlerinnen und Künstlern aus diversen Sparten und aus verschiedenen Weltgegenden, die nach Fertigstellung der Vorlage in den Prozess ab 2020 einbezogen werden sollen.

Beitrag auf Lucify.chDi Kulturvermittlung Barbara Balba Weber, il 28.08.2019

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Die in Bern lebende iranische Journalistin Mah Tab hat ein schönes Portrait zu Mahboubah veröffentlicht

Meet-the-Artist vom 3. AugustDi Kulturvermittlung Barbara Balba Weber, il 06.08.2019

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Am Sa, 3. August stellten wir einige der Bilder und Texte von Mahboubah aus. Ein Musikteam um Mirjam Hässig spielte zu Bildern komponierte Musik. Mahboubah las ein Poem. Es kamen viele Leute - und sie waren sehr berührt.

Stimmen vom 3. AugustDi Kulturvermittlung Barbara Balba Weber, il 06.08.2019

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Ein Besucher der Ausstellung THE MAHBOUBAH STORY beschreibt seine Eindrücke

Stimmen vom 3. AugustDi Kulturvermittlung Barbara Balba Weber, il 06.08.2019

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Eine gleichaltrige junge Frau beschreibt, welchen Eindruck das Bild von Mahboubah auf sie macht

BILDERDi Kulturvermittlung Barbara Balba Weber, il 06.08.2019

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    Want to be free_2
  • Dance masked
    Dance masked
  • Some people catch her heart
    Some people catch her heart
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    Is a girl not allowed to fall in love
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  • SEE ME
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Einige der Bilder, die Mahboubah an der Ausstellung vom 3. August gezeigt hat

Meet-the-Artist am 3.AugustDi Kulturvermittlung Barbara Balba Weber, il 26.07.2019

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Mahboubah und Mirjam bei der Vorbereitung
Mahboubah und Mirjam bei der Vorbereitung

Ausstellung / Performance / Gespräch

Samstag, 3. August 2019 von 15:00 bis 22:00 PROGR Atelier 013, Speichergasse 4, 3011 Bern

30-minütige Performances um 16:00, 18:00 und 20:00 Uhr Eintritt frei

mit Mahboubah Taheri / Malerei und Text, Mirjam Hässig / Jazzsängerin und Komponistin, Mathieu Clavel / Rubabspieler, Sahereh Astaneh / Kulturvermittlerin und Komponistin, Barbara Balba Weber / Kulturvermittlerin und Verantwortliche