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236projects close to Oaxaca in architecture

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Oaxaca. But this may be of interest to you.
Une maison en Haïti

Architecture and Community


Une maison en Haïti

by Papillon et Marie

Contribuez à la construction d'une maison pour notre nièce Mikencia et sa famille en Haïti qui ont tout perdu à cause de la crise politique, sécuritaire et humanitaire sans précédent.

102 %
CHF 10’240
109 backers
Book «Designing TWA»

Publishing, Design, and Architecture

New York and Zurich

Book «Designing TWA»

by Kornel Ringli

The TWA Terminal is one of the best-known buildings of our time. The lack of a book on the icon of the 1960s is all the more surprising. «Designing TWA» shall fill this gap.

228 %
CHF 20’778
144 backers
Belle View Bungalow Dominica

Architecture and Tourism


Belle View Bungalow Dominica

by Familie Burkard Roserens

Schon lange träumen wir davon unsere wunderschöne Aussicht und Umgebung mit Gästen zu teilen. Um das «Belle View Bungalow» in unserem Garten in Dominica fertig zu bauen, brauchen wir Unterstützung!

118 %
CHF 41’515
110 backers
Ayuda para los niños Junin

Architecture, Kids / Youth, and Education

San Pedro de Saño District

Ayuda para los niños Junin

by Embolo Foundation

Das Mädchenheim im Hochland von Peru benötigt dringend neue Sanitäranlagen. Die Embolo Foundation möchte mit Euch den Mädchen ein funktionierendes und schönes Zuhause ermöglichen.

100 %
CHF 10’040
24 backers
Nomadic Cinema in Argentina!

Film, Design, and Architecture

Salta and Lausanne

Nomadic Cinema in Argentina!

by Le Repaire Fantastique

Collaborative II: CNNA We are three swiss designers and we are moving to Argentina to work on a collaborative, cultural and social project of a nomadic cinema.

114 %
CHF 11’490
65 backers
A dream in Madeira

Startup, architecture, and Tourism


A dream in Madeira


Dear supporters,
We are Nora and André who have embarked on an exciting journey to create something wonderful: a hotel that reflects the heart of Madeira.

0 %
0 backers
Pilote project Dakar

Architecture, Community, and Sport


SG4f's pilot project in Senegal aims to create inclusive sports facilities, empowering the local community through accessible sports, promoting social cohesion, and fostering sustainable development.

0 %
0 backers
Tiny HOUSE PT ~ TIRIPS oasis

Architecture, tourism, and Environment


Co~create Tiny HOUSE Community in Ericeira PRT to recharge ~ living the DREAM
SLOW living & off grid ~ sustainable travelling & living in nature
DESIGN & sea lovers/surfers
GROWTH & holistic wellbeing

0 %
0 backers
Communauté Aquanor Mexilho

Architecture, Community, and Tourism

Paris and Torres Vedras

Initiation participative d’un nouveau mode de vie du loisir partagé.
Closerie en propriété participative par le biais d’une communauté d’investissement intellectuel formée par anneaux.

0 %
0 backers
Creating Coromandel: a book

Publishing, Design, and Architecture

Coromandel, Reggio Emilia, and Santarem

A book about Marco Zanuso's architecture in South Africa. Although famous for his industrial designs, his design methodology impacted Southern African architecture and is still relevant today!

14 %
EUR 2’985
39 backers
Livio Vacchini"Masterpieces"

Publishing and Architecture


Title: «Capolavori. Masterpieces». Author: Livio Vacchini. Afterword: Roberto Masiero. Editorial direction: Michela Maguolo and Claudia Mion. Graphic design: Spassky Fischer. Language: English.

101 %
EUR 4’076
23 backers
Luca Merlini

Publishing and Architecture


Luca Merlini

by Caryatide

Title: La Traversée de ma bibliothèque. Author: Luca Merlini. Preface: Carlotta Darò. Editorial direction: Claudia Mion. Graphics design: Spassky Fischer. Language: French