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1397progetti vicino a Präfektur Tokio in arte

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Abbiamo progetti un po’ dappertutto. Tuttavia, in questo momento non ce n’è di vicini a Präfektur Tokio. Chissà se ti interessa questo qui?
제 3의 자연 – 예술 정원

Politica, arte e ambiente

Berlino e Seul

제 3의 자연 – 예술 정원

di Keum Art Projects, Seung Hwoe Kim e Han Seok Hyun

분단의 역사를 공유하는 독일의 수도 베를린. 그 중심에 남과 북의 생명체로 하나가 된 예술 정원이 탄생할수 있도록 여러분의 도움이 필요합니다.

107 %
EUR 32’270
143 sostenitori
Motherhood and ambivalence

Editoria, sociale e arte

Ginevra, Los Angeles e Seul

Let's talk about maternal ambivalence-

the Light and Dark side of Motherhood

106 %
CHF 3’520
22 sostenitori
Cie zeitSprung goes east

Arti sceniche, arte e danza

Hong Kong, Shanghai e Taipei

Cie zeitSprung goes east

di Cie zeitSprung

Cie zeitSprung will be on tour in Asia to perform their pieces «Komplizen RELOADED», «Orthopädie or to be» and «Human Beatbox» to festivals, theatres, museums and open air.

101 %
CHF 3’030
27 sostenitori
Parade: Almond Chu

Fotografia, editoria e arte

Hong Kong

Parade: Almond Chu

di Almond Chu

PARADE, a photography project conceived by Almond Chu twelve years ago, consists of a fine art publication, a limited edition of archival prints and an exhibition to be held in Hong Kong in September.

14 %
EUR 3’740
14 sostenitori
Iss Hope / Galley & Host


Kunming e Zurigo

Iss Hope / Galley & Host

di Wrong Brothers Inc.

I.S.S. HOPE: Ein Stück Himmel zu Besuch auf der Welt


Unterstütze die ISS HOPE und werde Teil einer Unternehmung für Freiheit und neue Horizonte.

102 %
CHF 15’339
57 sostenitori
Borobudur – Indonesia

Cinema, architettura e arte

Borobudur e Yogyakarta

Film documentary about the rescue of the largest Buddhist temple of the world, which is in danger. In November famous German scientists work together the last time with Indonesian conservators.

15 %
EUR 2’010
12 sostenitori
Camera delle Meraviglie

Mostre, arte e ambiente

Andermatt, Airolo e Uri

Camera delle Meraviglie

di Kristall-Wunderkammer / Camera delle Meraviglie

In una mostra unica nel suo genere, la bellezza dei cristalli svizzeri, il lavoro del cercatore di cristalli, la loro formazione e trasformazione in opere d’arte e gioielli, saranno presentati.

104 %
CHF 31’350
31 sostenitori
Résidence d'artistes polaire

Arte e ambiente


Cet été, nous embarquerons à bord d'un voilier de 15 mètres équipé pour les expéditions arctiques, pour une résidence artistique de 1 mois dans l’archipel de Svalbard.

101 %
CHF 12’155
51 sostenitori
Résidence Polaire

Scienza, musica e arte


Résidence Polaire

di prosperthon

Au printemps 2017, nous embarquerons à bord du Knut, voilier de 15 mètres de l’association Marémotrice, pour une résidence d’artiste de 1 mois dans l’archipel du Spitzberg.

106 %
CHF 8’530
52 sostenitori
Drawing on Spitsbergen



Since 2015 I have been drawing a series of «Unknown Icebergs». Now I am going to Spitsbergen to gather first-hand impressions and images of glaciers, ice and icebergs.

130 %
EUR 6’378
50 sostenitori
Airstream Shakers on Tour

Musica, arti sceniche e arte


Airstream Shakers on Tour

di Airstream Shakers

Wir haben die Möglichkeit bekommen mit einer Booking Agentur aus Russland eine Tour zu starten. Wir touren in 12 Tagen durch das halbe Land hindurch, bei denen wir immer als Headliner spielen werden.

9 %
CHF 465
8 sostenitori
Transcription of an error

Musica, arti sceniche e arte


Transcription of an error

di Alexander Chernyshkov

Transcription of an error is a very personal way of combining music and theatre. The staging of this new austrian-italian-russian version will take place in Moscow at the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre.