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3328projects close to East Bunyore in community

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Educating Children In Need

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

East Bunyore

Kenyan private secondary school (with 115 students & 15 staff) started by 6 Swiss volunteers in 2008 to help underprivileged children. We shall close in 2022 if we are unable to raise sufficient funds

40 %
CHF 4’088
14 backers
Ausbildung für Aids-Waisen

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

Butere and Butere

HIV+, arm und als Waise aufgewachsen; diese Jugendliche wollen eine sichere Zukunft. Mit einem gelernten Beruf haben sie die Chance dazu. Gib den 13 kenianischen Mädchen und Jungs diese Zuversicht!

101 %
CHF 16’420
31 backers
Schulgebäudebau in Kenia

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


Schulgebäudebau in Kenia

by arbing meets africa

Wir bauen eine Schule in Kenia.Wir helfen. Weil Helfen hilft. Hilf mit.

108 %
EUR 5’231
58 backers
Des repas pour les enfants

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


Mon projet a pour but de permettre à l’association Simba For Kids d’offrir des repas et des collations aux enfants de la région d'Elgeyo Marakwet au Kenya.

108 %
CHF 5’420
57 backers
Simba for Kids et running

Community, Kids / Youth, and Sport


Ce projet d’une durée de 11 semaines a pour objectif d’aider l’association au quotidien, en promouvant l’éducation des jeunes, tout en bénéficiant de conditions propices à la course à pied.

109 %
CHF 4’375
47 backers
Soutenez Simba for Kids !

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


Soutenez Simba for Kids !

by Marie Dobrynski

Mon projet est de soutenir Simba for Kids, une association au Kenya, en participant à l’aménagement et à l’inauguration d’un Children Center dans la région d’Elgeyo Marakwet.

110 %
CHF 5’540
49 backers
Young Generation Lodging

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


Help the young people in Migori (KE) so that they have a place to live as well as a place to learn and work. In this way, my father supports them in their development towards an independent life.

13 %
CHF 955
9 backers
150kg of beads for Masai women

Design and Community


With 150kg of beads, 15 Maasai women can do permanent beadwork for 2 years, generate a stable income and create better livelihoods.

111 %
CHF 7’215
59 backers
Maasai girls education Kenya

Community and Kids / Youth


Maasai girls education Kenya

by MAA-Maasai Aid Association

Foster needy Maasai girls education, in Kenya. Their parents are too poor to pay for a high school. With 400 CHF/year the ass. MAA can do it. 20 girls are waiting for your help

5 %
CHF 400
1 backer
Organic training in Uganda

Agriculture, Community, and Environment


Organic is booming. But organic farming requires much knowledge that many farmers don't have. A group of farmers in Uganda is looking forward to receiving knowledge and the benefits of organic farmig.

103 %
EUR 7’245
47 backers
Gardons 53 enfants à l'école

Community and Kids / Youth


Nous oeuvrons pour l’accès à l’éducation en Ouganda, notamment en soutenant financièrement la formation des jeunes, et en encourageant les acteurs locaux à offrir aux jeunes un cadre de vie décent.

21 %
CHF 500
8 backers
Association KASALAGA



Soutenez Jjajja Aina et les orphelins de Kasalaga en Ouganda en participant à notre projet!