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371projects close to Reykjavík in dance

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Reykjavík. But this may be of interest to you.
Gargoyle Terminus



Gargoyle Terminus

by Sara Buncic

Contemporary dance piece that calls for air, desire, and smile. To stop not to breath, not to make noise, not to... to do.

106 %
CHF 1’590
17 backers
Global Talent Visa fund

Music, Performing arts, and Dance


I have been endorsed by the Arts Council England with a Global Talent Visa to work in the U.K. for the next 5 years. I am now reaching out for help to pay for its rather epic costs.

113 %
CHF 6’658
70 backers
Duet for two dancers


Basel, Zurich, and Lille

Duet for two dancers

by tab mart / Kilim Production

«Duet for Two Dancers» takes a look at the anxiety of not living up to your own expectations, or those which your profession or society in general impose on you.

108 %
CHF 1’630
16 backers
from Südpol to Südpol


Lucerne, Berne, and Antwerp

In his first full-length dance piece «from Südpol to Südpol», rising Belgium choreographer Bert Uyttenhove explores the In-Between, where life-changing decisions are made.

104 %
CHF 4’558
33 backers
Spectacle de Dakota et Nadia


Paris and Lausanne

«Judas» sera notre tout premier spectacle sur des thèmes qui nous tiennent à cœur tel que la violence conjugale. Grâce à vous, nous allons enfin pouvoir concrétiser notre projet fin 2020.

33 %
EUR 16’698
207 backers
Let's Dance !

Art, Dance, and Education

Berlin, Lausanne, and Paris

Let's Dance !

by Isabelle Vesseron

I need a hand to finance the Tanz Fabrik program I’ve been admitted to: EUR 3’000, and I can assure you I will end the program longing TO BRING OUT YOUR APPETITE FOR DANCE !

106 %
EUR 3’187
49 backers
les mouchoirs

Kids / Youth and Dance

Bad Ragaz, Chur, and Paris

les mouchoirs

by fabienne beringer

«les mouchoirs – the handkerchiefs»A dance-it-yourself ballet.A magical ballet for dancers from 7 to 77! Dance with us! Or donate to make the dance happen!

0 %
0 backers
RE- en coproduction avec ㅇㅣ

Music, Performing arts, and Dance

Bern and Berlin

Le projet RE- est une création de théâtre musical qui invite à un dialogue entre musique, danse et électronique dans une volonté d’explorer un tiers-lieu entre les disciplines.

105 %
CHF 3’162
33 backers
Tanz, Tanz, Tanz Fabrik!

Startup and Dance


Tanz, Tanz, Tanz Fabrik!

by Isabelle Vesseron

I need a hand to finance the Tanz Fabrik program I’ve been admitted to. I can assure you I will end the program longing TO BRING OUT YOUR APPETITE FOR DANCE !

25 %
EUR 2’253
30 backers
 Zirkrobajka – Contemporary Circus

Performing arts, Kids / Youth, and Dance


Zirkrobajka – Contemporary Circus

by Maria – Unterstützerin von Zirkrobajka

A Circus project for and with young people from socially disadvantaged backgrounds in Poland, Rumania, Turkey. Win self-confidence and confidence in others!

108 %
EUR 1’080
15 backers

Performing arts, Dance, and Technology



by Felix Schaefer

BoerlinBoerds Productions and Platoon Kunsthalle proudly present: «eschaton». This hybrid mix of theatre, music, dance and multimedia art takes the idea of theatre to the next level.

3 %
EUR 95
3 backers
Trunique tanzt in DE

Performing arts, art, and Dance


Trunique tanzt in DE

by trunique_dancecrew

Trunique tanzt über die Grenzen hinaus: Unterstützt uns dabei, über unsere Grenzen hinaus zu tanzen und am Wettkampf in Deutschland teilzunehmen.