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925projects close to Ruanda in education

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Femme Products für Bildung

Community and Education


Femme Products für Bildung

by modern_creativity

Unterstütze mit Femme Products Bildung in Ruanda! Mit deiner Spende bringen wir Menstruationstassen und Tampons in die Sangira Schule und ermöglichen Frauen die Schule weiterhin zu besuchen.

123 %
CHF 3’705
32 backers
School material for Rwanda

Kids / Youth, tourism, and Education


School material for Rwanda

by Sangira - Friends of Rwanda

Sangira (to share in Kinyarwanda) enables disadvantaged youth from the rural region of Nyamasheke, Rwanda, to receive vocational training in the hospitality industry, thus creating a future for them.

100 %
CHF 15’050
48 backers
Al Imfelds Manifest

Film, Community, and Education

Zürich and Dodoma

Al Imfelds Manifest

by 3-2-1-start

In seinem letzten Buch «Agrocity» beschreibt Al Imfeld im Manifest, wie eine Stadt für Afrika aussehen könnte, die Landflucht und Slum-Bildung reduziert. Das wollen wir in einem Film zeigen.

0 %
CHF 100
1 backer
8000 Tonnen Brennholz sparen

Community, Environment, and Education


8000 Tonnen Brennholz sparen

by Verein Schulprojekte Sambia

In Afrika ist auf dem Lande Holz der wichtigste Energieträger. Jeder Haushalt verbrennt etwa 10t Holz pro Jahr. Mit einfachen, aus Lehm selber hergestellten Öko-Öfen lassen sich 40% einsparen.

132 %
CHF 5’297
32 backers
Research on the Burundi Drum

Music, Dance, and Education


Research on the Burundi Drum

by Institut de Musicologie de Gitega

Dear backers, be part of this project! Help us discover and promote rhythms/beats contained in the Burundi traditional royal drums art to advance the global music culture.

0 %
EUR 50
1 backer
Rafiki Social Point

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

Dar es Salaam

Rafiki Social Point

by Rafiki-Verein

Help us lay the foundation for sustainable start-up aid for neglected families in Dar / Tanzania by opening a social center that hears the voices and gives support on a grassroots level!

12 %
EUR 1’560
10 backers
Künstlerischer Austausch

Performing arts, Kids / Youth, and Education

Dar es Salaam

Familia - ein künstlerisches Austauschprojekt zw. Daressalam & Zürich. Ziel ist es, Begegnungen verschiedener Menschen zu ermöglichen & kulturellen Austausch über Lebensformen hinaus zu unterstützen.

1 %
CHF 107
2 backers
A House For Children

Kids / Youth and Education


We want to give a second home to children in poor situations in Arusha Tanzania. They should get warm food, education and a place for sleep.

8 %
EUR 1’720
18 backers
Ride for the Future

Kids / Youth, Environment, and Education


A pedal towards self-sufficiency: By 2024, Ride for the Future will equip 24 young and 4 instructors with skills in technical professions, ensuring sustainable career integration in cycling industry.

100 %
CHF 12’000
36 backers
Victoria Rally

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education

Nairobi, Kampala, and Kigali

Victoria Rally

by SewingTogether

The goal of VictoriaRally is to drive across East Africa, to empower women with a skill of sewing reusable sanitary pads and create a long-lasting change.

118 %
EUR 2’834
39 backers
Music Workshops in Rwanda

Music, Community, and Education


Music Workshops in Rwanda

by Becky & the Gents

Wir, Becky & the Gents, eine Jazz-Combo aus Zürich. Die Leidenschaft für Musik verbindet sich mit einer edlen Sache: Wir unterstützen SANGIRA, um jungen Ruandern musikalische Bildung zu ermöglichen.

2 %
CHF 200
26 days to go
#theBiteThing for Snakebite

Food, Community, and Education

Kampala, Watamu, and Lusaka

#theBiteThing for Snakebite

by Health Action International

Snakebites still kill over 125,000 people every year, but antivenoms have existed for decades! We’re fighting to stop these deaths. Do #theBiteThing and, together we’ll take a bite out of this crisis.