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1319projects close to Aralsk in environment

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Aralsk. But this may be of interest to you.
Le vin des origines

Food, agriculture, and Environment

Ruispiri, Montagny-près-Yverdon, and Lausanne

En Géorgie le vin est une tradition depuis 8’000 ans ; notre propre vigne est plantée. Il faut songer au Marani (cave) et acheter les Qvevris (amphores). Le vin va couler ! Vous en dégustez un verre ?

110 %
CHF 22’105
45 backers
Didi Mitarbi 360°

Community, art, and Environment

Didi Mitarbi

We want to equip and start up a residency in one of the Georgian mountain villages that will be working as meeting space on an open-source principles for artists, designers, architects....

0 %
0 backers
Yeti Food – Pilotprojekt

Food, agriculture, and Environment


Ein fantastisches Produkt: Tsampa-Mehl aus Ladakh. Gesund, nahrhaft und ursprünglich. Bald auch in der Schweiz erhältlich!

23 %
CHF 3’536
29 backers
Wiederaufbau Ukraine

Community, Environment, and Education


Nach Kriegsende bereit sein für den Wiederaufbau. Die Vorbereitung benötigt Zeit, nutzen wir sie. Bauen das Happy Home für ukrainische Verhältnisse. Schulen, lokalisieren, bereiten lokale Beschaffung.

101 %
CHF 20’300
49 backers
Clean up Ladakh

Community, tourism, and Environment


Clean up Ladakh

by Support_Ladakh

Because of Covid-19 there are no tourists in Ladakh . That's why female trekking guides are planning to do a clean-up event in the Markah valley and in basecamps which help the women to get an income.

123 %
CHF 5’548
47 backers
With love to Oceans

Environment and Education


The project aims to save the oceans from plastic, as well as to disseminate environmental safety information for divers underwater. Let's save the seas and oceans together ❤️

0 %
0 backers
For the Kids health in India

Science, Kids / Youth, and Environment

Hyderabad and Delhi

Air Pollution is a major issue in India, especially this time of the year! We want to provide school kids with an N95 PM 2.5 anti pollution facemask to help protecting their health.

8 %
CHF 440
6 backers
A Book about Desire

Exhibition, Publishing, and Environment

Zurich and New Delhi

A Book about Desire

by Raphael Perret

This publication documents «Recycling Yantra», an art project portraying the informal e-waste recycling network in Delhi and lets a diverse group of authors share their views on the situation.

105 %
CHF 5’790
52 backers
Green Paradise

Agriculture and Environment


Green Paradise

by Green Paradise Moldova

Wir verfügen über 3 Hektar sehr fruchtbares Land und haben bereits über 200 Thuja- und Zypressenbäume gepflanzt. Unser Traum ist es, eine Baumschule zu eröffnen. Realisieren Sie diesen Traum mit uns.

0 %
0 backers
moya kala Männerunterwäsche

Fashion, Fair Trade, and Environment

Sarnen and Varna

Nach der erfolgreichen Erstkollektion «pure joy» möchte moya kala nun auch die Herren von der hochqualitativen, nachhaltigen und sozialverträglichen Unterwäsche überzeugen.

114 %
CHF 2’873
52 backers
Aqua Dolpa, Népal

Agriculture, Community, and Environment


Aqua Dolpa, Népal

by Népal-Evolution

Le projet de l’association Nepal-Evolution est de créer un accès facilité à l’eau pour la population du village de Phoksundo au Népal. Aidez-nous à le concrétiser!

7 %
CHF 3’942
28 backers
Pangong Project

Sport and Environment


Pangong Project

by Pangong Project

On the edge of the highest peaks in the world, a very high altitude diving expedition in a remote lake, lost in the mountains of the Himalaya