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1292projects close to Coron in environment

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Coron. But this may be of interest to you.
Nacopca Orphanage

Kids / Youth, Environment, and Education

Phnom Penh

Nacopca Orphanage

by Naomi&India

NACOPCA Orphanage è un orfanotrofio locale situato a Phnom Penh, in Cambogia. Vivono li una 20ina di bambini volenterosi di imparare l'inglese e la matematica e di prendersi cura del loro quartiere.

11 %
CHF 345
7 backers
Phuong's climate trainings

Community, Environment, and Education

Los Angeles, Hanoi, and Berlin

... is Phuong Hoang's journey to become a Climate reality fighter, to learn deeply our Mother Earth and environment issues in different continents, to encourage the local youths to take action.

107 %
EUR 1’290
27 backers
Replanting Rainforest

Science, Community, and Environment

Vang Vieng, Miri, and Kuala Lumpur

Replanting Rainforest

by Ennia and Cameron

Our project will explore how resilient reforestation of Asian rainforests is achievable in collaboration with native communities. To reduce our footprint, we want to travel there by container ship.

162 %
CHF 13’008
31 backers
Happy Home make it your own

Science, Community, and Environment

Si Racha

CAD Arbeit für 3 Modellhäuser, damit arme Familien im Selbstbau ein modulares, einfaches, stabiles und bezahlbares Heim bauen können. Unterstütze uns die Prototypen in Serienproduktion umsetzen!

106 %
CHF 21’214
42 backers
Documentary: Somara + Corina

Film, Journalism, and Environment

Banda Neira and Zürich

Documentary: Somara + Corina

by Corina Rainer und Somara Frick

We are Somara and Corina, two journalists from Zurich. In August 2019 we want to produce our first documentary film in Indonesia. It is a story about plastic and machines, the ocean and hope.

105 %
CHF 5’387
63 backers
Wild-life with elephants

Tourism and Environment


Experience nature and support them. With our project, both are possible! Enjoy relaxing holidays: «Close up», not «in the middle» with a glimpse of passion for cycling.

0 %
0 backers
A bridge to Lombok

Fair Trade, Community, and Environment


A bridge to Lombok

by Sasak Market

Because of COVID-19, Lombok lacks tourism and also the income of many artisans. With our online shop we can bring their handmade, sustainable products to Europe and secure their existence.

103 %
CHF 20’126
105 backers
Support to villagers

Community and Environment


I urgently wish to support the inhabitants of the village of Peladung in Bali, by raising funds to restore this road they use every day, and which has become impracticable ...

0 %
0 backers
Lombok Eco Market Center

Fair Trade and Environment


Lombok Eco Market Center


We need YOUR help to get this project and eco-centre off the ground. After earthquake-2018 and COVID19 we try to make a positive change for our habitats by guiding them toward ECO and sustainable life

100 %
EUR 7’001
45 backers
Just for You and Nature

Community and Environment


Just for You and Nature

by Eva Hintermann

Does nature conservation appeal to you? Are you interested in what positive non-profit organizations do? Or are you interested in travel and ecotourism? Then this is a project for you.

27 %
CHF 2’750
8 days to go
For a life without bars

Environment, Education, and Animals


For a life without bars

by Stiftung PanEco

The Orangutan Haven is a new, naturalistic home for orangutans that cannot be released into the wild. To ensure that all the orangutans can be moved in soon, we need your help now!

104 %
CHF 31’336
81 backers
The dream of Inle Lake child

Film, Kids / Youth, and Environment


This is a documentary about the environment. The children of Inle Lake dream that one day their region and country will finally get rid of all plastic waste.