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399projects close to Archers Post in exhibition

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Archers Post. But this may be of interest to you.
Piratenmuseum Madagaskar

Exhibition, Community, and Education


Piratenmuseum Madagaskar

by PRIORI Madagaskar

Das Piratenmuseum in Antananarivo, Madagaskar, erklärt seit 2008 die Hintergründe der maritimen Piraterie auf der Welt und in Madagaskar. Wir brauchen Unterstützung für die Raummiete von 2021.

127 %
CHF 10’690
53 backers
siac 2019

Exhibition and Tourism


siac 2019

by Illicolove

Le Salon International de l’Alimentation de Cotonou (SIAC) sera un événement commercial,culturel et touristique pour révéler le savoir-faire des entreprises suisses au Bénin et aux pays limitrophes.

0 %
0 backers
Ausstellung: Iason Depountis

Exhibition, art, and Literature


Anlässlich des 15. Todestages des Dichters Iason Depountis widmet die Städtische Galerie Piräus diesem herausragenden Exponenten der griechischen Nachkriegslyrik eine Ausstellung: 18.06.23-09.07.23.

38 %
CHF 2’705
6 backers

Exhibition, Community, and Art


Removement is an initiative by a group of Athenians that aim to embellish the historic centre of the city through mixed media installations, performances and collaborative projects!

0 %
EUR 20
1 backer
Kunst als Widerstand

Exhibition, Community, and Art

Zürich, Diyarbakır, and Istanbul

«Broken Constellation», Kunst als eine Form des Widerstandes in der Erarbeitung eines kollektiven Gedächtnisses.  

111 %
CHF 4’454
22 backers
Flexopecten Glaber Ponticus

Exhibition and Environment

Sofia, Varna, and Burgas

With your support our colorful collection of more than a thousand seashells will leave the collecting crates and call the gallery its home.

0 %
0 backers
Galerie Frédéric Maurice

Exhibition and Community


Galerie Frédéric Maurice

by Jean-François Berger

Frédéric Maurice est un délégué du CICR tué en mission à Sarajevo en 1992. 25 ans après, 4 anciens délégués se mobilisent pour soutenir une galerie créée à sa mémoire par son assistant Ivan Lalic.

100 %
CHF 5’500
31 backers
Balkan Xpress

Exhibition and Film

Belgrade, Winterthur, and Ljubljana

Balkan Xpress

by Ivana Kvesic

Seven film makers from Ex-Yugoslavia are going on a road trip together from Macedonia to Winterthur to visit the International Short Film Festival in November 2012.

112 %
CHF 19’660
79 backers
A Book about Desire

Exhibition, Publishing, and Environment

Zurich and New Delhi

A Book about Desire

by Raphael Perret

This publication documents «Recycling Yantra», an art project portraying the informal e-waste recycling network in Delhi and lets a diverse group of authors share their views on the situation.

105 %
CHF 5’790
52 backers
Exhibition Venice

Exhibition, Photography, and Art


Exhibition Venice

by claudiaschildknecht

The GAA-Foundation invited me for their exhibition «Personal Structure» at the Palazza Bembo during the Biennale of Arts 2019 from 11th of May to the 29th of November in Venice.

12 %
EUR 4’747
39 backers
Colors of Europe

Exhibition and Art

Graz, Vienna, and Salzburg

Colors of Europe

by Colors of Europe

Die beiden Künstler Raimund Seidl und Verena Bachner verbinden ganz Europa. Großformatige, farbenprächtige Gemälde als einmaliges Kunstprojekt. Sehenswerte Kunstausstellungen in Österreich und Europa.

0 %
EUR 65
3 backers
Il libro di NoPlace 3

Exhibition, Publishing, and Art


Il libro di NoPlace 3

by NoPlace.Space

La pubblicazione del libro di NoPlace, la mostra del 49º Premio Suzzara tenutasi il 17 settembre 2016, alla quale hanno partecipato 496 artisti provenienti da vari paesi europei.