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423projects close to Zvyozdny gorodok in fashion

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Zvyozdny gorodok. But this may be of interest to you.
The Mystery Pouch

Fashion and Design


The Mystery Pouch

by The Mystery Pouch

The mystery pouch is full of premium surprises. Handmade, exclusive and customized items with minimum worth of Eur125 and above.

0 %
0 backers
Barber Shop

Fashion and Startup


Barber Shop

by Paweł

My dream is to have a barber shop. I would like to contribute to changing stereotypes about men. I think that every gentleman apart from having good manners, should take care of his look.

0 %
0 backers
moya kala Männerunterwäsche

Fashion, Fair Trade, and Environment

Sarnen and Varna

Nach der erfolgreichen Erstkollektion «pure joy» möchte moya kala nun auch die Herren von der hochqualitativen, nachhaltigen und sozialverträglichen Unterwäsche überzeugen.

114 %
CHF 2’873
52 backers
Ancient Patterns on Clothing

Fashion, Design, and Environment


I research patterns found on archeological pots (up to 35 thousand years old!) and reuse them on sustainable organic clothing. The best way to keep anything alive, is to bring it to everyday use.

3 %
EUR 160
2 backers
Small brand making a change

Fashion, Startup, and Community

London, Berlin, and Munich

Small brand making a change

by Michael Brookman- Aikins

(her.) is about creating a platform where like minded people can help educate one another in supporting equality and against discrimination by providing work and life solutions in shaping the future.

0 %
0 backers
Hermione Flynn – Performance Art / Fashion Event

Fashion and Art


Fashion and Performance Art collide at the presentation of HERMIONE FLYNN avant-garde SS14 collection for Berlin Fashion Week 2013!

17 %
EUR 851
25 backers
MAGMA Collection 2013


Berlin and Zurich

MAGMA Collection 2013

by Adeline and Aita

Hilf mit, unsere erste KARL UND OLAF Seidentuchkollektion MAGMA 2013 zu realisieren.

102 %
CHF 3’570
23 backers
Allergenfreie Biokosmetik

Fashion and Startup

Gemeinde Kreuttal and Gemeinde Wolkersdorf im Weinviertel

Natura Nobile steht für handgefertigte, zertifizierte Biokosmetik, die vegan, allergenfrei & selbst für sehr empfindliche Haut geeignet ist. Hilf mit, sie einer breiten Community zugänglich zu machen!

1 %
EUR 100
1 backer
Socken mit Haltung

Fashion, Politics, and Community


Socken mit Haltung

by buero balanka

Haltung beginnt bei den Füßen. Das macht nicht nur aus orthopädischer Sicht Sinn. Darum haben wir passende Socken, um politische Haltung zu zeigen. Beispielsweise bei der kommenden Wien-Wahl.

106 %
EUR 6’362
253 backers
Lieblingsrock braucht Dich!

Fashion and Design

Traiskirchen and Vienna

Wenn durch eine allgemeine Krise plötzlich alle Einkünfte wegfallen, braucht es genau Dich, um das durchzustehen! Lass uns die Ärmel hochkrempeln und LIEBLINGSROCK gemeinsam durch diese Krise tragen!

103 %
EUR 5’190
51 backers
Graphic T-Shirt

Fashion and Design


Graphic T-Shirt

by eduazadory

I started in 2015 my journey into the realm of Graphic Arts. I have channeled my passion not only through music but by creating intricate drawings.My creations are now ready to be printed on T-shirt

7 %
EUR 105
3 backers
QuoteUNQUOTE Design

Fashion, Fair Trade, and Community


QuoteUNQUOTE Design

by QuoteUNQUOTE Design

FairTrade T.Shirts und Tote Bags aus 100% Bio-Baumwolle mit feministischen, minimalistischen & motivierenden Designs.

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