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1010projects close to Reykjavík in film
Reset FiltersWe have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Reykjavík. But this may be of interest to you.
Exhibition, Photography, and Film
Greenland and secret beauty
by Elbhar
Film and Music
Dok: Fifty-Five in Liverpool
Science, Film, and Environment
Neuchâtel, Arkhangelsk, and Cambridge
In the footsteps of the Eira
by Milko Vuille
Film and Art
Wahlern and London
Film «The Fool On The Hill»
by Miriam Ernst
Film and Education
London and Geneva
«Penicillin»: Film de Master
by Romane Golan
Film and Education
Master at London Film School
by Romane Golan
Photography, Film, and Community
Nairobi and Brighton
Stories from Our Cities
by Stories from Our City
Film, agriculture, and Journalism
Dubai, Zurich, and Emmeloord
Ueli Maurers Pommes-Frites-Automat
by Stephan Hille
Film, Kids / Youth, and Education
Heinz und Timmi
by AnsJed
Film, Sport, and Environment
Skarsvåg and Tarifa
No Plastic Horizon – Le Film
by Hervé Pfister
Film and Community
Weserlust Hotel – Kinofilm
by PINGUIN STUDIOS (Eike Besuden)
Film and Music
Stockholm and Zurich
by First Hand Films, Lars Lovén, and Lamin Daniel Jadama