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973projects close to Saint-Gall in food
Reset FiltersFood and Community
St. Gallen
Restaurant für Obdachlose
by Kappisul
Food and Community
St. Gallen
Württemberger Weine
by Weinbotschafter der Württemberger Weine
Food, agriculture, and Technology
Bern, Zürich, and St. Gallen
OpenOlitor für Gemüse im Abo
by Verein OpenOlitor
Food and Community
St. Gallen
Spendeaktion Osterhasen
by Andrea Schnyder
Food and Publishing
St. Gallen
by Mélanie Hangartner
Food and Performing Arts
Saint Gallen
Oper im Restaurant
by Oper vor Ort
Food and Community
Saint Gallen
Eine DenkBar für St.Gallen!
by DenkBar
Food and Publishing
Saint Gallen and Alberobello
My Nonna’s heritage
by Mélanie Hangartner
Food and Environment
Saint Gallen and Schönholzerswilen
Nachhaltige Imkerei
by BeeKeeper
Food, Startup, and Community
Asia Stübli
by Malathy
Der Traum vom Restaurant
by Raphael
Food, agriculture, and Environment
by BEE best friends