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3180projects close to Reykjavík in music

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UP NORTH: Get us to Iceland!


Vienna, Salzburg, and Reykjavík

UP NORTH: Get us to Iceland!

by Chili and the Whalekillers and InTension Music

Chili and the Whalekillers have been invited to play at the renowned ICELAND AIRWAVES festival. But we still need to cover our traveling costs. Let’s make it happen!

100 %
EUR 5’021
36 backers
Kapnorth goes Iceland


Lucerne and Iceland

Iceland. That magical place we want you to feel, when you’re listening to our debut album. That’s why we will record it there – 3 years of hard work come to a beginning.

101 %
CHF 5’596
45 backers
Cello on Fire 2019

Music and Festival

Edinburgh and Vienna

Cello on Fire 2019

by peterhudler

Cello on Fire – again! One guy – one Cello – 21 shows!
Help us having a successful run at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe with Peter Hudler’s Cross Over Cello Solo Show!

106 %
EUR 3’530
41 backers
Cello on Fire – Fringe 2018

Music and Festival

Vienna and Edinburgh

Help us organize an unforgettable solo concert series with Viennese cellist Peter Hudler at the Edinburgh Fringe! With the help of a small but hard working team on site all seats will be filled!

101 %
EUR 3’650
34 backers
Fred – Debut EP


Giske and Zürich

Nach vielen Jahren des Musizierens wage ich mich nun an eine EP. Die selbstgeschriebenen Songs nehmen immer mehr Form an und finden hoffentlich schon bald in deinen Ohren anklang. Yeah.

117 %
CHF 11’759
70 backers
MAKE PLAIN goes to London


London and Galway

MAKE PLAIN goes to London

by Make Plain and Make Plain & GOS

We are a folk-country duo and we have the chance to go on a little tour between England and Ireland from 19th to 24th april to present our music and our new cd «Make It Plain».

114 %
CHF 2’290
19 backers
The Led Farmers – New Album


Dublin and Lucerne

The Led Farmers are delighted to be able to collaborate with Soundville Media Studios in Luzern, Switzerland in making their first studio recording.

104 %
CHF 2’600
33 backers
Monument For The Restless



Monument For The Restless

by Path of Desolation

3 ans après Where the Grass Withers, nous sommes prêts à enregistrer notre 2e album. 9 titres accompagnés d’une basse fretless pour plus de 45 minutes de death metal mélodique made in Switzerland.

125 %
CHF 2’500
22 backers
Dok: Fifty-Five in Liverpool

Film and Music


Dok: Fifty-Five in Liverpool


Die Dreharbeiten zum Dokumentarfilm über die legendäre Schweizerband «Les Sauterelles» und deren Jubiläumsreise zum 55. Jubiläum an die Beatleweek in Liverpool mitsamt 200 Fans sind abgeschlossen.

11 %
CHF 7’700
32 backers
Los Pimientos Guerreros - EP



Los Pimientos Guerreros - EP

by Los Pimientos Guerreros

Enregistrement du premier EP du groupe Los Pimientos Guerreros (Vevey) au Motor Museum de Liverpool !
Un projet trop grand pour un premier EP ? Promis, on va le faire.

125 %
CHF 2’502
36 backers
A Conacher for Prediger!


Ingbirchworth, Zurich, and Schwörstadt

A Conacher for Prediger!

by David Christie

Predigerkirche is unthinkable without music. But choir music needs a special choir organ. Please give us your support to acquire the first ever English organ in Switzerland!

110 %
CHF 8’840
29 backers
Polar Circles' record in UK!



Help us funding our next album recording in the UK!