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3183projects close to Split in music

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Split. But this may be of interest to you.
Musikschule in Bosnien

Music, Kids / Youth, and Education


In der bosnischen Provinzstadt Travnik gibt es eine traditionsreiche Musikschule, welche zurzeit 132 Jugendliche und Kinder unterrichtet. Nun benötigt die Schule dringend finanzielle Unterstützung.

8 %
CHF 390
7 backers
102 Guitar Strings

Music and Community

Banja Luka, Bihać, and Prijedor

102 Guitar Strings

by Jasmina O. za Asocijaciju Gitarista

Help us promote classical music and build capacities of local orchestras in communities across Bosnia.

9 %
EUR 986
20 backers
Balkan Tour


Sarajevo, Novi Sad, and Belgrade

Balkan Tour

by ensemble proton bern

Uns zieht es ostwärts: Im April planen wir eine 10-tägige Balkan Tour mit Halt in Belgrad, Novi Sad und Sarajevo. Der Austausch mit Musiker*innen und Komponierenden vor Ort steht dabei im Zentrum.

26 %
CHF 587
8 backers
Stuck in Traffic – Debut Album

Film and Music


Aus dem Nichts mit Vollgas! Wer auf verschwitzten Rock der alten Schule steht, ist hier genau richtig!

102 %
CHF 3’580
33 backers
Echange culturel en Bosnie

Music, Community, and Kids / Youth


L’ensemble vocal de jeunes Vox Kaleido organise un échange culturel et musical en Bosnie-Herzégovine. Il participera à 3 concerts et prendra part à des workshop pour s’initier à la culture locale.

135 %
CHF 3’242
48 backers
ALTUS. Wienerklassik for two

Music, Performing arts, and Art

Basel, Madrid, and Pescara

ALTUS. Wienerklassik for two

by babakbabaie and vincegiura

Babak Babaie and Vincenzo Giura release their debut album as a guitar duo, featuring their own transcriptions of the great Viennese masters.

100 %
EUR 5’025
55 backers
Duo Valmore's Debut CD!



Help us realise our dream of recording three extraordinary violin sonatas that do not get the recognition they truly deserve!

0 %
0 backers
Sommer Musik Workshops

Music, Performing arts, and Education


Sommer Musik Workshops

by moerdermusic productions & int. artist & project development

Internationale Sommer Musik Workshops
«The Spirit & Magic in Making Music Happen» 9.-14. Juli
Songwriting Camp «Be a Voice - Not an Echo» in der zauberhaft coolen Stadt Buje in Istrien/Kroatien

111 %
EUR 5’035
27 backers
Int. Music Workshops Istria

Music and Education


Int. Music Workshops Istria

by moerdermusic productions & int. artist & project development

For the very first time I’m hosting 2 Musikworkshops in Buje / Istria: An international Drum/Music/Band Workshop July 09 - 15 and an int. Songwriting Camp with some of the world’s best Sep 10 - 16

3 %
EUR 150
1 backer
Debut double CD recording


Munich and Trieste

Debut double CD recording

by Ghenadie Rotari

It is 10 years since I moved to Italy and 5 years since the foundation of the accordion-piano Duo Aspera with the pianist Valentina Vargiu. A perfect time to record two unique CDs!

29 %
EUR 1’182
42 backers
Debut CD Ghenadie Rotari



Debut CD Ghenadie Rotari

by Ghenadie Rotari

I am proud to present my debut solo accordion CD! Enter and explore the project and discover the various awards which you will receive for your support, including CDs, private concerts and others.

7 %
EUR 320
6 backers
Karmen Stendler – CD Debut



Karmen Stendler’s debut album «First» will take you on a journey of the intimate, yet powerful sound of the classical guitar.