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316progetti vicino a Camp-Perrin in scienza

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Abbiamo progetti un po’ dappertutto. Tuttavia, in questo momento non ce n’è di vicini a Camp-Perrin. Chissà se ti interessa questo qui?
Proyecto 537


Svizzera e Cuba

Proyecto 537

di Tamara Embaló

Une recherche, une démarche de terrain, un pays (Cuba), une révolution, une politique culturelle, des jeunes artistes, des rêves, de l’espoir, un milieu underground et le rap comme outil d’émancipation.

9 %
CHF 390
7 sostenitori
Une eau potable pour tous

Scienza, startup e sociale

Zurigo, Sincelejo e Cantone di Río Verde

Une eau potable pour tous

di Laura Stocco, Openversum

Nos 50 entrepreneurs locaux en Colombie et Équateur ont besoin de votre aide pour permettre à 15’000 personnes d’obtenir un accès durable à des filtres à eau potable, et créer un monde plus juste.

200 %
CHF 50’216
230 sostenitori
Next-Generation & Education

Scienza, sociale e educazione

Losanna e Valencia

Soy una joven investigadora de la Universidad de Lausana (UNIL) que necesita de tu ayuda para enviar material humanitario de laboratorio a Venezuela. ¡Estamos seguros que nos podrás ayudar !

107 %
CHF 3’750
59 sostenitori
Diabetes Supply for Belize

Scienza, tecnologia e educazione

Belize City

Diabetes Supply for Belize

di Judith Mendez e DCB

People's Diabetes Foundation: Enabling diabetes care in Belize. We provide a haven for our community by advocating & empowering awareness, prevention, education, and support through our daily services

101 %
CHF 5’050
34 sostenitori
Swiss Quantum Optics @ USA

Scienza, tecnologia e educazione


My name is Julius Vering and my passion is Quantum Optics. This summer, I am the only Swiss student to conduct research at the world famous MIT. But I need you support to make this dream come true!

248 %
CHF 11’170
32 sostenitori
Fascia Research Congress

Scienza, sociale e educazione

Opole e Montréal

Fascia Research Congress

di Aleš Urbanczik

Grzegorz Jedrzejewski (Board member of the IPR Research Foundation) is researching the effects of a Basic SI Series on Body and Mind. He would like to take part in the 2022 Fascia Research Congress.

100 %
EUR 3’500
30 sostenitori
EPFL Rocket Team

Scienza, tecnologia e educazione

Truth or Consequences

EPFL Rocket Team

di EPFL Rocket Team

Soutenez une équipe d’étudiants de l’EPFL et aidez les à construire un engin capable d’atteindre 3’048 mètres d'altitude et remporter la plus grande compétition internationale de fusées.

219 %
CHF 4’390
21 sostenitori

Scienza, cinema e arte



di Fabiana Serpa

Princess Therese of Bavaria, an emancipated researcher and writer travels incognito to Brazil in 1888, escorted by a Lady-in-waiting, an officer and a local guide who does not know her real identity.

2 %
CHF 175
2 sostenitori
ready or not? discovering Brazilian openness to change

Scienza, giornalismo e arte

Rio de Janeiro

Aesthetic innovation and new imaginaries don’t necessarily come with the economic growth. Is this the case of Brazil?

21 %
EUR 1’310
14 sostenitori
Escolhares - projet Rio

Scienza, sociale e infanzia / giovani

Rio de Janeiro

Notre projet a pour but d'offrir des dépistages de la vue, examens ophtalmologiques et paires de lunettes aux écolier.ère.s de quartiers défavorisés de Rio de Janeiro, avec une action de prévention.

101 %
CHF 5’574
32 sostenitori
Escolhares 2018

Scienza, sociale e infanzia / giovani

Rio De Janeiro e Losanna

Escolhares 2018

di Katia Steinfeld

Il servizio sanitario pubblico è carente per i bambini in Brasile. Un gruppo di studenti svizzeri e brasiliani vuole cambiarlo. Aiutateci a fornire esami oculistici e occhiali a 2.000 bambini!

229 %
CHF 6’889
44 sostenitori
Climate protection practice

Scienza, agricoltura e ambiente


We give the water back to the soil, thus making vegetation and soil development possible. Support us in establishing agroforestry systems and help to have a positive influence on the climate.