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11555projects close to Adélaïde

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Adélaïde. But this may be of interest to you.
Tawara Album

Music, Community, and Art

Zürich and Worlds End

Tawara Album

by Fliziño

Tawara is back with a new album. It's an album full of love, full of sunshine, full of summer. 11 songs. One Love.

182 %
CHF 6’090
69 backers
The double life of the Honeybush

Science and Art


Science meets art: A scientific project in close up! A collaboration between the wildlife artist Robin Wingrave and scientists from all over the world.

6 %
CHF 325
3 backers
Au Pair Jahr Australien

Tourism and Education


Au Pair Jahr Australien

by Juliagehtaufreisen

Ein Au Pair Jahr hat mich schon immer fasziniert, jetzt möchte ich den Schritt wagen nach einer schwierigen Zeit und meinen Herzenswunsch endlich erfüllen.

0 %
0 backers
Schweizer:innen im Ausland

Journalism, Community, and Literature

Zürich, Sydney, and Buenos Aires

Schweizer:innen im Ausland

by Julian Perrenoud

Heute leben fast 800'000 Schweizer:innen im Ausland. Wer sind diese Menschen und weshalb haben sie ihre Heimat verlassen? Ein Buch soll ihre Geschichten erzählen. 26 Porträts - für jeden Kanton eines.

104 %
CHF 15’620
83 backers
Robotik WM 2019

Science, Technology, and Education

Biel/Bienne and Sydney

Robotik WM 2019

by and jonas.jauslin

Wir nehmen an der Weltmeisterschaft in Robotik in Sydney, Australien, teil, um uns mit den besten Uni's der Welt zu messen. Helft mit!

228 %
CHF 6’860
19 backers
Echange universitaire

Community, tourism, and Education


Dans le cadre de ma formation HES-SO, j’effectue un échange universitaire afin d’apporter une plus-value à mon titre. Disposant de quelques fonds, il me manque toutefois une petite aide...

0 %
0 backers
aCentauri Solar Racing

Technology, Environment, and Education

Darwin, Adelaide, and Zürich

aCentauri Solar Racing

by aCentauri Solar Racing

aCentauri Solar Racing is an electrifying newcomer at ETH Zurich! We are building a solar racing car to compete in the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge (BWSC) in Australia in October 2023.

103 %
CHF 15’546
28 backers
Sailing to Tokyo 2020


Zürich, Arbon, and Auckland

Sailing to Tokyo 2020

by Nelia and Livia Naef, LINE-Sailing

We want to represent Switzerland at the Olympic Games for the first time ever in the 49er FX class. Support the first step of our ambitious goal!

105 %
CHF 17’934
144 backers
Documentary: Somara + Corina

Film, Journalism, and Environment

Banda Neira and Zürich

Documentary: Somara + Corina

by Corina Rainer und Somara Frick

We are Somara and Corina, two journalists from Zurich. In August 2019 we want to produce our first documentary film in Indonesia. It is a story about plastic and machines, the ocean and hope.

105 %
CHF 5’387
63 backers
TE Araroa Trek New Zealand

Film, Sport, and Environment

Te Araroa

« Nous voulons raconter, modestement, une histoire qui fait du bien...» « We want to tell, modestly, a story which feels good... »

5 %
EUR 25
1 backer

Community and Environment

Lombok, Zürich, and Jakarta


by sebbocook

Suparman (yes his actual name) is on a mission to plant thousands of trees on the beautiful islands of Gili Trawangan, Gili Air and Gili Meno, located on the north-western coast of Lombok, Indonesia.

66 %
CHF 792
10 backers
A bridge to Lombok

Fair Trade, Community, and Environment


A bridge to Lombok

by Sasak Market

Because of COVID-19, Lombok lacks tourism and also the income of many artisans. With our online shop we can bring their handmade, sustainable products to Europe and secure their existence.