Anita Scheiwiller

Women in Surgery Switzerland

Science, Community, and Education


Women in Surgery Switzerland

by Women in Surgery Switzerland

We believe in promoting female role models in surgery! Our association is a start. Help us and invest in the FUTURE!

134 %
CHF 20’185
71 backers
Projektor für die Cinématte

Film and Technology


Die Digitalisierung im Kinobereich geht an der Cinématte nicht spurlos vorbei. Damit wir auch in Zukunft Filme vorführen können, brauchen wir einen neuen und leistungsstarken 4K-Digitalprojektor.

117 %
CHF 43’550
284 backers

Make your project take off

You have a project and we are in the crowdfunding business. Get your funding now and make sure people start hearing about your idea. If you have questions or need professional crowdfunding advice, our experts are happy to help you.

  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,465
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 105.4 m
  • Community Members664,678