Beyond art, Beyond shame



Three years... That's how long it took me to tame the piano, this instrument, an extension of my heart and my emotions. An evidence through which I can express myself freely.

107 %
CHF 16’102
176 Unterstützer*innen
Goddesses among us



Goddesses among us

von Fizzy Beard

After three years of passion, hard work, sleeplessness, worries and joys, I am finally able to produce the first opus of Goddess among us.

118 %
CHF 11’863
123 Unterstützer*innen

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  • Erfolgreiche Projekte seit 20127’534
  • Unsere wemakeit-Erfolgsquote62%
  • Gesamtsumme der UnterstützungenEUR 106.4 Mio.
  • Community Members674’051