GINMAKU Film Festival 2024

Film, Community, and Festival


Your support and contribution will help us creating a cultural bridge between Switzerland and Japan! GINMAKU Japanese Film Festival in Zurich, Switzerland. Next Edition: May 8 - 12, 2024

103 %
CHF 8’300
43 backers
GINMAKU Film Festival 2023

Film, Community, and Festival


Creating a cultural bridge between Switzerland and Japan since 2014. GINMAKU Japanese Film Festival in Zurich, Switzerland. Next Edition: May 25 - 29, 2023

103 %
CHF 8’243
51 backers
GINMAKU Film Festival 2019

Film, Community, and Festival


Creating a cultural bridge between Switzerland and Japan since 2014.
GINMAKU Japanese Film Festival in Zurich, Switzerland.
Next Edition: May 22 - 26, 2019

115 %
CHF 8’093
47 backers
Ginmaku Film Festival 2018

Film and Festival


Spotlighting shadow side of Japan since 2014.
Ginmaku Japanese Film Festival in Zurich, Switzerland.

Next Edition: May 23 - 27, 2018

110 %
CHF 8’810
59 backers
3rd Japanese Film Festival

Film, Community, and Festival


A cultural bridge between Switzerland and Japan! The only Japanese film festival in whole Switzerland. For the 3rd time, 5 days, from April 27 to May 1, 2017 in Zurich.

120 %
CHF 7’212
50 backers
Tokyo Experiment


Zürich, Tokyo, and Osaka

Tokyo Experiment

by Michel Barengo

Das Projekt der Band «5PPU» ist das Ergebnis einer interkulturellen Zusammenarbeit von schweizer- und japanischen Musikern. Und die Uraufführung in Japan ist nur noch ein Flugticket weit entfernt.

116 %
CHF 2’096
23 backers
Zirrus Music Video

Film and Music


Unterstütze unser Music-Video-Projekt zum Song «Making Things Apart». Wir brauchen dein Geld, damit wir die fantastischen Aufnahmen in einen wunderbaren Clip umwandeln können.

109 %
CHF 2’341
35 backers

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  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,207
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 101 m
  • Community Members631,345