Biologischer Weinbau

Agriculture, Fair Trade, and Environment

Bellinzona and Leymen

Biologischer Weinbau

by Baldauf Weinbau

Unterstütze uns dabei unsere biologisch-dynamischen Weinreben vor zukünftigen Hagelstürmen zu schützen. Wir wollen in Hagelschutznetze & neue Technologien investieren um den Weinbau zu optimieren.

100 %
CHF 10’040
26 backers
Streetlights climatefriendly

Community and Environment


Most small and medium-sized towns in Cameroon experience complete darkness after sunset. We support the city of Mbalmayo in their city lighting project – climate-friendly, with solar energy.

105 %
CHF 21’155
54 backers
Natur und Pferde am Erlensee

Community and Environment

Lure and Basel

Natur- und Pferdeferien, Indianer- und Zirkuslager, Natur- und Ökobau, Yoga, Pferdesprache, Permakultur und unser einfaches,naturnahes Leben kennenlernen. Angebote für Kinder, Familien und Erwachsene.

4 %
EUR 5’145
31 backers

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You have a project and we are in the crowdfunding business. Get your funding now and make sure people start hearing about your idea. If you have questions or need professional crowdfunding advice, our experts are happy to help you.

  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,274
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 102 m
  • Community Members641,704