Give Our Past A Future

Startup, design e sociale


Give Our Past A Future

di Zouher Adwan

Designers in Switzerland and Syrian artisans are working together with a purpose to preserve and empower. Take action to help sustain the livelihood of Syrian artisans and save centuries of know-how.

113 %
CHF 28’307
186 sostenitori
Boxfish & Co.

Editoria e arte


Boxfish & Co.

di Myrtha Steiner

Graceful fish, remarkable seashells, weird shapes and the blurred distinction between plants and animals inspired the unique artist book by Myrtha Steiner.

115 %
CHF 4’620
32 sostenitori
Stan The Hooligan – das Buch

Editoria, fumetti e sport


Er ist ein Hooligan. Der hooliganste Südkurven-Fan des FCZ, standfester Biertrinker, unermüdlicher Choreo-Verhunzer und hitziger Pyromane. Nun soll der Comic als Buch erscheinen.

234 %
CHF 25’821
223 sostenitori

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  • Progetti realizzati dal 20127’534
  • Percentuale di successo di wemakeit62%
  • Ammontare totale dei finanziamentiEUR 106.3 Mio
  • Membri della community673’952