Acht und neunzig Seiten

Publishing and Art


Publikation basierend auf einem kleinen rostbraunen Heft, geschrieben zwischen Mai bis November 1945. Kunstbuch, Übersetzung ins Englische und Produktion in 3 Sprachen, Drucken von 1500 Exemplaren.

100 %
EUR 15’110
61 backers
Birgit Graschopf

Publishing and Art


Birgit Graschopf

by birgit graschopf

This monograph about my multimedia work will be a collection of carefully selected projects.

114 %
EUR 10’345
75 backers
nature – EP-Produktion



This is your chance to make a big difference! Our first EP is in the pipeline … Get involved and become part of this exciting project!

104 %
EUR 9’373
105 backers
The 8mm Project

Photography, Film, and Music


The 8mm Project

by Alkis Vlassakakis

Cine film is the past. And film only exists, if it is seen. My performance «The 8mm Project» wants to bridge the gap between the very private image and the public one of it’s time.

106 %
EUR 8’500
76 backers

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  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
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  • Successful projects since 20127,534
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 106.3 m
  • Community Members673,951