
Community, Technology, and Education



by Christian Hirsig

With your support we are going to launch a coding academy for refugees in Bern. If possible we will open the school mid January and in April our first 10 to 20 students will start their internships.

117 %
CHF 23’475
163 backers
ActiveStills Fotoausstellung

Exhibition and Photography

Zürich, Bern, and Basel

Vom 22. bis 31. Oktober 2016 präsentiert medico international schweiz Bilder des Fotokollektivs ActiveStills. Die Fotos öffnen ein Fenster in die politische und soziale Realität in Palästina/Israel.

103 %
CHF 2’590
48 backers
We Are Animals

Fashion, Design, and Community


We Are Animals

by Niklaus Schneider and Céline Schlegel

The minimalistic fashion of We Are Animals stands out and up for animals. Part of the profit goes to a good cause, namely one that fits the animal chosen. You’ll look animally great!

21 %
CHF 3’244
44 backers
Wandernd Kunst erleben

Community, art, and Sport


Wandernd Kunst erleben

by Céline Gaillard

Arte Albigna – Ein wandernd erlebbares Kunstprojekt in der Albigna-Region, Bregaglia, zwischen 1200 und 2565 m ü. M.

17 %
CHF 1’740
18 backers

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  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,534
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 106.3 m
  • Community Members673,962