OÏOÏOÏ baby - www.oioioibaby.ch

We’re Anna and Belén from Zurich and we founded OIOIOI at the beginning of 2020. The idea emerged when Anna had her first baby and couldn’t believe the speed at which her daughter was outgrowing her clothes. Belén was excited about the OIOIOI idea and joined right in, as it combines circular economy, sustainability and timeless fashion in one. It's such a convenient solution for young parents!

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  • Kostenlos bis zum Projekterfolg
  • Erst öffentlich, wenn du es willst
  • Erfolgreiche Projekte seit 20127’517
  • Unsere wemakeit-Erfolgsquote62%
  • Gesamtsumme der UnterstützungenCHF 105.5 Mio.
  • Community Members670’388