Play Hunter

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Geboren und aufgewachsen in Zürich verbrachte Play Hunter die prägenden Jahre in England und studierte am Saint Martins College of Art in London Bildende Kunst. Die Autorin und Künstlerin hat sich mit ihrem Blog einen Namen gemacht. Was mit Portraits modemutiger Freunde begann, brachte es in kurzer Zeit zu einem weltweitem Kult-Following - und die Schweiz auf den internationalen Moderadar. Es folgten Einladungen an die Fashionweeks von Paris bis São Paulo, Kolumnen sowie Foto- und Interview-Dates u.a. mit Milla Jovovich und der Chefredakteurin der deutschen Vogue, Christiane Arp. 2010 erfolgte mit dem Fotoband NOW & WOW – A Style Hunter’s Book of Photographs der Schritt in die Kunstwelt. Inzwischen haben Play Hunters Bilder Eingang in Ausstellungen und Privatsammlungen im In- und Ausland gefunden. Plays Motto bleibt weiterhin: Art, fashion, blogging – why choose? It’s all very exciting.

Born and bred in Zurich, Play Hunter spent her formative years in London studying Fine Arts at Saint Martins College of Art. The photographer, artist and author has made her mark with her blog (a twist on Wanderlust, expressing a nomadic/playful spirit). What began with portraits of stylish friends soon attracted a worldwide cult-following putting Switzerland on the international fashion radar. Which in turn earned Play invitations to fashion weeks from Paris to São Paulo, style columns, as well as a string of high profile photo & interview dates, ie lately with Milla Jovovich or Christiane Arp, the editor-in-chief of German Vogue. With the release of her first photo book Now & Wow – A Style Hunter’s Book of Photographs in 2010 Play expanded into the art world. Her pictures have since found their way into exhibitions and private collections, both nationally and internationally. Play Hunter's credo is: art, fashion, blogging – why choose? It’s all very exciting.

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