Save ADA!

Music, Community, and Literature


Save ADA!

by ADA-ArtisticDynamicAssociation

Let's keep ADA going.

174 %
EUR 1’046
43 backers
Entkunstung I

Publishing, Music, and Art

Vienna and Berlin

Entkunstung I

by Entkunstung, Felipe Duque, and Maximilian Mauracher

ENTKUNSTUNG is an independent platform publishing its first yearbook. Let's rethink contemporary art, theory and criticism across all disciplines and bring them together in a new way.

109 %
EUR 7’095
125 backers
Transoceanic – My debut CD



Almost autobiographical, Transoceanic features works that represent my artistic intentions and have marked my life as an artist and even on a personal level

111 %
EUR 9’500
133 backers
Cat Video Festival Vienna

Film and Festival


Cat Video Festival Vienna

by Vienna Shorts Agentur

Im August soll Österreichs größtes Cat Video Festival in der Arena Wien stattfinden. Erlebe feline Filme im Sommer unter freiem Himmel mit deinen FreundInnen!

101 %
EUR 6’060
137 backers
Birgit Graschopf

Publishing and Art


Birgit Graschopf

by birgit graschopf

This monograph about my multimedia work will be a collection of carefully selected projects.

114 %
EUR 10’345
75 backers
Als die Nacht begann

Film, Community, and Art


Als die Nacht begann


We aim to animate the graphic novel «Als die Nacht begann» out of 5760 linolcuts! Let’s make a statement together for courage, resistance and antifascism!

18 %
EUR 2’880
81 backers

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  • Successful projects since 20127,534
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 106.3 m
  • Community Members673,950