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Du kennst dein Projekt, wir Crowdfunding. Starte jetzt deine Finanzierung und mache deine Idee bekannt. Bei Fragen und für erstklassiges Crowdfunding-Wissen sind unsere Expert*innen für dich da.
Thanks for the all project deliveries thus far (made my Christmas and today's delivery, the New Year too) - amazing to have the chance to back such a project xx and rock on \m/
Adam am 3.1.2020 12:59
Antworten 0
Just a quick question. Once you will contact us about the shipping, is it possible to dedicate a goodie that contains a «personal note» to someone else despite claiming it on my name?
Thank you and congratulations on reaching your goal.
Jiří am 18.12.2019 17:00
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Well I love the music from fabienne and jonas in elluveitie so I think the music in this side project will be really great!
Micah Whitney am 15.12.2019 16:54
Antworten 0
I have a feeling this will be an awesome production! Can’t wait to hear the full album!
Santtu am 15.12.2019 11:39
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Good Luck!
BranT am 15.12.2019 05:16
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I've been listening to Fabienne amazing voice for the whole 2019. A small donation is the least I could do
Cionco am 12.12.2019 13:27
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Because I totally believe in the success and talent of Fabi. For sure this will be an amazing project.
Alves Rosa am 12.12.2019 00:46
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Fabienne is a wonderful and talented person. Deserves to show the world her amazing voice!
Jose Antonio am 12.12.2019 00:41
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