Allow Boris Otter, 49 years old, to launch his Space Project on 12.04.2019, which is to go to Space in 2019 and to share it by offering the chance to 5 Space Tourists to join him inside the Spaceship.
CHF 15’230
152% of CHF 10’000
This is how it works
The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.
Successfully concluded on 22/4/2019
After Cosmonaut Training in Star City, Moscow : next goal Space !
In 2016, I went for the first time in Star City, Moscow, where I received a Cosmonaut Training in Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center. I had the chance to live my first Zero-G flight including 10 parabolas of 25-28 seconds of pure weightlessness ! An awesome experience ! But I don’t want to stop there. My next goal is to become the 2nd Swiss, after Claude Nicollier, to cross the Karman line and to give a chance to 5 persons to join me in Space ! The amount collected during this campaign will be used to launch the Project worldwide, to produce the Mission Patch, to order the Space Products (Space Food, Space T-Shirts, Space Caviar) and to cover some extra costs (website, legal parts, marketing, etc.).
Press article as seen in l'Illustré.
Nice comment from Swiss Explorer Bertrand Piccard.
Press article as seen in Le Lancéen.
Press article as seen in Le Lancéen.
Press article as seen in l'Illustré.
Press article as seen in La Tribune de Genève.
Press article as seen on internet :
Reportage on Léman Bleu TV :
Press article as seen in GHI.
Press article as seen in Cockpit Magazine.
Press article as seen in Le Matin Dimanche, April 2019
Press article as seen in La Tribune de Genève, April 2019.
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At the end of this Project, 5 persons will fly with me to Space in 2019 or 2020.
My Project is to be the 2nd Swiss to fly to Space, by crossing the Karman Line (at 100 kilometers of altitude). I also want to share my dream and to offer a chance to 5 Spaceflight Participants to come with me in Space. We will then be able to watch the Earth from Space, during 4-5 minutes in a weightlessness environment (Zero-G), receiving later on the Official Diploma and Wings of Commercial Astronaut.
Your sponsoring will help me to be able to launch officially my Space Project Worldwide : «a ticket to Space».
The amount collected via this Crowdfunding will help me to launch officially the Space Project Worldwide, via the opening of the website on the 12th of April 2019. The huge and massive interest shown by the press, by the reactions received via social sites and by the support and positive words received worldwide is pushing me to succeed. As Gene Kranz said (he was the former Flight Director during the mission Apollo 13), failure is not an option !
Cosmonaut Training in Star City, 2018
Cosmonaut Training in Star City, 2018
Cosmonaut Training in Star City, 2018
Cosmonaut Training in Star City, 2018
Cosmonaut Training in Star City, 2018
Claude Nicollier, 1st Swiss Astronaut personal support, February 2019.
Claude Nicollier, 1st Swiss Astronaut personal support, February 2019.
With American Astronaut Charlie Duke, Apollo 16, 10th man to walk on the Moon, October 2016.
With Belgium Astronaut Frank De Winne, former Commander of the ISS and actual Lead ISS Operations and Astronaut Group, from European Space Agency (ESA), November 2018.
With Russian Cosmonaut Youri Onufrienko, former Commander of the International Space Station (ISS), April 2016.
With the 1st Swiss Astronaut, Claude Nicollier, February 2019.