What is the Salon de la Bière ?
What is the Salon de la Bière ?For the very first edition of the Salon de la Bière, we would like to offer you a great tasting day in the presence of 35 breweries from all over Switzerland. From Geneva to Sion, via Neuchâtel, Zurich or Lugano! Our event would take place in the multipurpose hall (salle polyvalente) in Conthey, Valais, on 20 April 2019.
We have a place, a date, motivated exhibitors… all we need now is YOU! As our organisation is 100% voluntary, the event will be exclusively financed by sponsorship and ticket sales. That’s why we need YOU to make this colossal project happen!
If our project is successful, we will introduce you to the world of beer with stands such as brewing equipment stores, specialised bookshops, explanations of manufacturing processes, raw materials…. Not to mention food stands to delight your taste buds.
Finally, we would also provide a children’s area with creative (alcohol-free) entertainment. So that parents can enjoy the day with confidence :-)
If all this has made you want to come to the Salon de la Bière, don’t hesitate any longer and buy your tickets, or one of our many counterparts! You can also offer some to your most beer-loving friends. Cheers!
Why make a Salon de la Bière?
You may not know it, but our country holds the record for the number of microbreweries per capita in the WORLD, with more than 1,000 producers and 4,000 types of beer brewed each year. This unique world deserves to be discovered.
But going around our country to meet each brewery is not an easy task. Therefore we invite you to meet 35 of them, from 10 different cantons, in one day and to (re)discover craft beer.
During this day, you will be able to taste beers in quantities of 1dl and 2.5dl, allowing you to taste a multitude of flavours, with moderation of course.
What will your support be used for?
Unlike other events, we will not make any profit on the sale of beer. The money will go directly to the brewers to support their work. They pay their stand at the cost price (even a little cheaper).
In order to cover the costs of renting the room, the purchase of glasses, refrigerated spaces, equipment etc… we are only financed by the sponsors and by your support.
As mentioned above, the Salon de la Bière operates with an organisation of 100% volunteer enthusiasts. No member of our team is paid in any way whatsoever. And if, however, we raise more money than necessary, every penny will be invested in the show, in order to improve it and set up the best possible event.