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263successful projects close to Kulusuk in dance

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Kulusuk. But this may be of interest to you.
Gargoyle Terminus



Gargoyle Terminus

by Sara Buncic

Contemporary dance piece that calls for air, desire, and smile. To stop not to breath, not to make noise, not to... to do.

106 %
CHF 1’590
17 backers
Global Talent Visa fund

Music, Performing arts, and Dance


I have been endorsed by the Arts Council England with a Global Talent Visa to work in the U.K. for the next 5 years. I am now reaching out for help to pay for its rather epic costs.

113 %
CHF 6’658
70 backers
Contemporary Circus Creation

Performing arts and Dance

Basel, Tilburg, and Brussels

As an emerging contemporary circus company, Framing Effekt expresses relevant social issues. Their debut creation, «Systema», explores bodies and an object, finding moments of empathy and connection.

101 %
EUR 6’100
57 backers
Moving into the Infinite

Film and Dance

Berlin and Munich

Moving into the Infinite - a poetic dance film. A declaration of love to that which is truly alive and inherent in all cultures, religions and human hearts.

105 %
EUR 8’455
56 backers
Let's Dance !

Art, Dance, and Education

Berlin, Lausanne, and Paris

Let's Dance !

by Isabelle Vesseron

I need a hand to finance the Tanz Fabrik program I’ve been admitted to: EUR 3’000, and I can assure you I will end the program longing TO BRING OUT YOUR APPETITE FOR DANCE !

106 %
EUR 3’187
49 backers
RE- en coproduction avec ㅇㅣ

Music, Performing arts, and Dance

Bern and Berlin

Le projet RE- est une création de théâtre musical qui invite à un dialogue entre musique, danse et électronique dans une volonté d’explorer un tiers-lieu entre les disciplines.

105 %
CHF 3’162
33 backers
La F.A.V.A direction Berlin


Berlin and Geneva

La F.A.V.A direction Berlin

by Vivien Hochstätter

Pour la première fois depuis sa création, la F.A.V.A a l’opportunité d’aller présenter son show à Berlin, dans un congrès international. Nous avons besoin de vous pour nous aider à réaliser ce projet.

130 %
CHF 3’926
52 backers
 Zirkrobajka – Contemporary Circus

Performing arts, Kids / Youth, and Dance


Zirkrobajka – Contemporary Circus

by Maria – Unterstützerin von Zirkrobajka

A Circus project for and with young people from socially disadvantaged backgrounds in Poland, Rumania, Turkey. Win self-confidence and confidence in others!

108 %
EUR 1’080
15 backers
Trunique tanzt in DE

Performing arts, art, and Dance


Trunique tanzt in DE

by trunique_dancecrew

Trunique tanzt über die Grenzen hinaus: Unterstützt uns dabei, über unsere Grenzen hinaus zu tanzen und am Wettkampf in Deutschland teilzunehmen.

127 %
CHF 2’555
41 backers
Filter 4 danc3

Performing arts and Dance


Filter 4 danc3

by Filter4 danc3

Filter 4 danc3: A feeling of discomfort, a feeling of the unknown… A modern unique dance production with a twist!A project by GMR Dance Basel.

105 %
CHF 3’383
18 backers
Raum fürs WIR – Dialog&Tanz

Community and Dance


Evolutionärer Dialog und Drehtanz – moderne Dialogkunst trifft mystische Tanzform und öffnet überraschende Räume fürs WIR. Ein Workshop-Abend zu Verbundenheit im Alltag und zum WIR in unseren Leben.

133 %
CHF 2’070
9 backers
The History of B-Boying

Art and Dance


The History of B-Boying

by Blind Tracks by Christian Martinez

Die Geschichte und Entwicklung von Breakdance wird anhand von selbst kreierten Bildern und anderen Medien aufgezeigt.