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812progetti coronati da successo vicino a Kandahâr in ambiente

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Abbiamo progetti un po’ dappertutto. Tuttavia, in questo momento non ce n’è di vicini a Kandahâr. Chissà se ti interessa questo qui?
Clean up Ladakh

Sociale, turismo e ambiente


Clean up Ladakh

di Support_Ladakh

Because of Covid-19 there are no tourists in Ladakh . That's why female trekking guides are planning to do a clean-up event in the Markah valley and in basecamps which help the women to get an income.

123 %
CHF 5’548
47 sostenitori
A Book about Desire

Mostre, editoria e ambiente

Zurigo e Nuova Delhi

A Book about Desire

di Raphael Perret

This publication documents «Recycling Yantra», an art project portraying the informal e-waste recycling network in Delhi and lets a diverse group of authors share their views on the situation.

105 %
CHF 5’790
52 sostenitori
Leo 2016



Leo 2016

di Association Terre et Faune

Aidez-nous à récolter des fonds pour la création d’une cage de «promenade» qui permettra à des léopards de passer quelques heures par jour dans un espace avec un minimum de végétation.

109 %
CHF 21’957
23 sostenitori
Pangong Project

Sport e ambiente


Pangong Project

di Pangong Project

Aux confins des sommets les plus hauts du monde, une expédition de plongée en très haute altitude dans un lac reculé, perdus dans les montagnes de l’Himalaya

140 %
CHF 21’070
94 sostenitori
Uataueist Project

Sociale, arti sceniche e ambiente

Kanchipuram, Bangalore e Verscio

Uataueist Project


Progetto1)Creazione dello spettacolo PLASTIKKATTI usando materiale riciclato.2)Workshop di un mese con gli studenti della KATTAIKKUTTU.3)Creazione di uno spettacolo con gli studenti della scuola.

104 %
CHF 6’273
60 sostenitori
Organic seeds from Pabhoi

Startup, agricoltura e ambiente


Organic seeds from Pabhoi

di Neelam Dutta, WFSCAN e Sativa Rheinau AG

Our organic seed initiative produces diverse, reproducible plant varieties. We give local farmers an alternative to seeds provided by multinationals which need to be bought again every season.

124 %
CHF 41’186
226 sostenitori
Help the Helpers – Sri Lanka

Sociale e ambiente


Drinkable water for Sri Lankan families. We search supporters for our «Help the Helpers» project, financing water filters donated to the poorest of the poor.

127 %
EUR 1’270
23 sostenitori
Wiederaufbau Ukraine

Sociale, ambiente e educazione


Nach Kriegsende bereit sein für den Wiederaufbau. Die Vorbereitung benötigt Zeit, nutzen wir sie. Bauen das Happy Home für ukrainische Verhältnisse. Schulen, lokalisieren, bereiten lokale Beschaffung.

101 %
CHF 20’300
49 sostenitori
Le Rêve des Enfants d'Inle

Cinema, infanzia / giovani e ambiente


Il s’agit d’un film documentaire dont le thème est l'environnement. De jeunes élèves rêvent de débarrasser leur région des déchets plastiques et de les recycler dans la construction de leur école.

120 %
CHF 18’000
67 sostenitori
Le Dernier Survivant

Cinema e ambiente

Vevey e Dinsho

Le Dernier Survivant

di Wildlifephotography

La delicata convivenza tra l’uomo e la fauna selvatica; dalle foreste d’Europa agli altipiani etiopici, il nostro film vi porta a conoscere una specie che ha diviso le persone fin dai tempi più remoti

108 %
CHF 17’280
136 sostenitori
Animal aid in Romania

Ambiente e animali

Râmnicu Vâlcea

We are Florentina and Nicoleta, great animal lovers, and we help street animals in Romania. The veterinary and food costs are barely affordable, we are in huge debts and urgently need help!

184 %
EUR 18’440
86 sostenitori
Replanting Rainforest

Scienza, sociale e ambiente

Vang Vieng, Miri e Kuala Lumpur

Replanting Rainforest

di Ennia e Cameron

Our project will explore how resilient reforestation of Asian rainforests is achievable in collaboration with native communities. To reduce our footprint, we want to travel there by container ship.