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202successful projects in fair trade
Reset FiltersAgriculture, Fair Trade, and Environment
Bellinzona and Leymen
Biologischer Weinbau
by Baldauf Weinbau
Agriculture, Fair Trade, and Environment
Blonay - Saint-Légier
Tyalo, natural winegrower
by yaniscarnal
Food, Fair Trade, and Community
K-Fées Marzocco
by Tatiana Mahé
Startup, Fair Trade, and Environment
Cargobike für fleur d'heure
by fleur d‘heure and Daniel Siegenthaler
Fashion, Design, and Fair Trade
NEW! Kids&Family Collection
by PAAR Socks
Food, Startup, and Fair Trade
Innovatives Glace für Basel
by Pandito
Agriculture, Fair Trade, and Environment
Kimpese and Lausanne
Jus de fruits Elembo
by Amis d'Elembo
Food, Fair Trade, and Community
BioKulturOase Smaragd
by Armando Rocca’s Bio KulturOase Smaragd
Fair Trade, Literature, and Education
Das Buchparadies geht online
by Raël
Agriculture and Fair Trade
Le MagaZ agrandi sa boutique
by Le MagaZ
Fair Trade and Community
Herstellung von Sheabutter
by lulu life
Agriculture, Politics, and Fair Trade
Bern, Geneva, and Basel
Maurus gegen Goliath
by uniterre