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500projects close to La Chaux-de-Fonds in agriculture
Reset FiltersAgriculture, tourism, and Environment
La Ferrière
Ferme Sous Les Planes
by Michaël
Agriculture, Environment, and Animals
Protégeons Urial
by Shiva
Agriculture, Environment, and Animals
Rescue of Fawns in Neuchâtel
by Mikeswildlife
Agriculture, Politics, and Environment
Bern and Neuchâtel
Pestizid-Initiative 13. Juni
by Initiative «Für eine Schweiz ohne synthetische Pestizide» (Pestizid-Initiative)
Food, Startup, and Agriculture
by UglyFruits
Agriculture, Politics, and Environment
Stop synthetic pesticides
by Association "Pour une Suisse libre de pesticides de synthèse"
Agriculture, Fair Trade, and Environment
L'Artisan Auvernier
by L'Artisan Auvernier
Agriculture and Art
Fleur de Joie
by Famille Jeannerat Matthey
Agriculture, Community, and Environment
La Neuveville
Jardin communautaire 2520
by Jardin communautaire
Food and Agriculture
Plateau de Diesse
CHASS – New mountain Cheese
by «VENT de CIEL» Affinage de fromage
Food, agriculture, and Tourism
La Grande Béroche
Vous aimez la Grand'Vy?
by Favre Benoît
Agriculture, Community, and Animals
Sauvetage Faons Vully
by Lionel Biolley