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1377projects close to Reykjavík in art
Reset FiltersWe have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Reykjavík. But this may be of interest to you.
Design, art, and Environment
Arctic'stique expedition ⛵️
by Knut
Comics, art, and Environment
Grand Nord
by Frédéric Roussel
Science, Publishing, and Art
Grönland and Glarus
The Glacier's Essence
by Martin Stützle
Music, art, and Literature
Vienna, London, and Naples
The Erlkings: Franz & Ludwig
by The Erlkings
Photography, Publishing, and Art
Vienna, London, and Innsbruck
Zine Project David Jenewein
by David Jenewein
Music, art, and Education
Etudes musicales en violon
by Gheorghiu Mathilde
Film and Art
Wahlern and London
Film «The Fool On The Hill»
by Miriam Ernst
Publishing and Art
London and Zurich
122112 – Weltuntergang na und?
by Künstlerkollektiv
Exhibition and Art
Bringing Healing through Art
by klassicart
Exhibition, Music, and Art
Inhabited Silences
by SimonC and PaulineJ
Art, Sport, and Environment
Fribourg, Longyearbyen, and Nuuk
Eco-polar expedition boat
by MaréMotrice and Mélina & Ben
Art and Environment
polar artist residency
by laure.a