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1370progetti vicino a Tadingipai in ambiente

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Abbiamo progetti un po’ dappertutto. Tuttavia, in questo momento non ce n’è di vicini a Tadingipai. Chissà se ti interessa questo qui?
For the Kids health in India

Scienza, infanzia / giovani e ambiente

Hyderabad e Delhi

Air Pollution is a major issue in India, especially this time of the year! We want to provide school kids with an N95 PM 2.5 anti pollution facemask to help protecting their health.

8 %
CHF 440
6 sostenitori
A greenhouse for Embalama

Agricoltura, sociale e ambiente


A greenhouse for Embalama

di vitamintexte e Snowland Children Foundation

We need building material! With this and your support we would like to build a greenhouse in the Tibetan mountain village of Embalama to supply the village population with organic vegetables and more.

20 %
CHF 5’090
45 sostenitori
Trinkwasser  für Chheskam

Agricoltura, sociale e ambiente


Trinkwasser für Chheskam

di Swiss Hope Sherpa

Wir möchten, dass jeder Mensch in Chheskam (Nepal) Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser bekommt. 240 Brunnen sind gebaut, 120 kommen neu dazu. Helft uns - Swiss Hope Sherpa - dieses Projekt zu realisieren!

18 %
CHF 911
9 sostenitori
Uataueist Project

Sociale, arti sceniche e ambiente

Kanchipuram, Bangalore e Verscio

Uataueist Project


Progetto1)Creazione dello spettacolo PLASTIKKATTI usando materiale riciclato.2)Workshop di un mese con gli studenti della KATTAIKKUTTU.3)Creazione di uno spettacolo con gli studenti della scuola.

104 %
CHF 6’273
60 sostenitori
Summit Every Nation

Musica, sociale e ambiente


Summit Every Nation

di Raison d'Hetre

Help Conquer the highest mountain in every country and the Seven Summits! Your support will equip her with the essential climbing boots needed to embark on this journey.

5 %
CHF 55
2 sostenitori
Leo 2016



Leo 2016

di Association Terre et Faune

Aidez-nous à récolter des fonds pour la création d’une cage de «promenade» qui permettra à des léopards de passer quelques heures par jour dans un espace avec un minimum de végétation.

109 %
CHF 21’957
23 sostenitori
Community Event India

Sociale, ambiente e educazione

Pratap Nagar

Community Event India

di Naima.Monte

Ich bin Naima und seit einem Jahr arbeite ich ehrenamtlich bei Buy Food with Plastic. Zusammen mit DIR möchte ich beim nächsten Community Event 250 Menschen mit einer warmen Mahlzeit versorgen.

31 %
CHF 446
14 sostenitori
Pangong Project

Sport e ambiente


Pangong Project

di Pangong Project

Aux confins des sommets les plus hauts du monde, une expédition de plongée en très haute altitude dans un lac reculé, perdus dans les montagnes de l’Himalaya

140 %
CHF 21’070
94 sostenitori
Aqua Dolpa, Népal

Agricoltura, sociale e ambiente


Aqua Dolpa, Népal

di Népal-Evolution

Le projet de l’association Nepal-Evolution est de créer un accès facilité à l’eau pour la population du village de Phoksundo au Népal. Aidez-nous à le concrétiser!

7 %
CHF 3’942
28 sostenitori
Stop Plastic ! - Goa (India)

Infanzia / giovani, turismo e ambiente

Goa Velha e Losanna

Stop Plastic ! - Goa (India)

di Swiss Cetacean Society e Ivan

Aidez-nous à lancer une campagne de sensibilisation sur l'environnement en Inde ! Nous luttons contre la pollution plastique et protégeons la faune marine menacée de Goa.

101 %
CHF 20’329
189 sostenitori
A Book about Desire

Mostre, editoria e ambiente

Zurigo e Nuova Delhi

A Book about Desire

di Raphael Perret

This publication documents «Recycling Yantra», an art project portraying the informal e-waste recycling network in Delhi and lets a diverse group of authors share their views on the situation.

105 %
CHF 5’790
52 sostenitori
Fight Hunger, Fight Corona

Gastronomia, sociale e ambiente

Zurigo, Mumbai e Delhi

Fight Hunger, Fight Corona

di Naveen Shams e Rhythima

Social Distancing is a luxury for the world's poor. India’s 21 day lockdown has thrown thousands of daily wage workers out of jobs. Help vulnerable families and the unemployed buy food & medicines.