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1032projects close to Lobitos District in performing arts
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Games, Performing arts, and Art
Cali, Pitayo, and Sevilla
Lachen für den Frieden
by Clown Up

Performing arts, Festival, and Dance
Zürich and Panama City
Way Out In Zurich & Panama!
by Verein

Community, Performing arts, and Festival
Lima, Cusco, and Arequipa
Emmas Glück goes Peru
by YarinaGurtner

Film, Community, and Performing Arts
Moscow, Shanghai, and San Salvador
Zetribu: a tour in the world
by Ze Tribu - Un Tour Dans le Monde

Music, Performing arts, and Art
Lausanne, Appenzell District, and Caracas
Amanecer Casero by Tinaja
by Tinaja

Performing arts, Kids / Youth, and Art
A roof for CIRABANA Circus
by san24

Music, Performing arts, and Education
Zürich, Madrid, and Santiago
Bassist's path without bass
by Dante

Community, Performing arts, and Kids / Youth
Fernando de la Mora
Vassilissa la Hermosa
by Séverine Moser

Performing Arts
Zürich, Luxembourg City, and São Paulo
Know Thyself
by Valerie Reding and Ivan Monteiro

Music, Performing arts, and Festival
Memphis and Los Angeles
Playing in Memphis & L.A.
by bearbeat GmbH

Community, Performing arts, and Festival
Puerto Madryn and Vienna
Festival Magdalena
by Madalena Panico Escenico

Community and Performing Arts
New York
Emma´s Bliss
by YarinaGurtner