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354projects close to Aralsk in politics

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Aralsk. But this may be of interest to you.
Movie "KURAK"

Film, Politics, and Community


Movie «KURAK»

by #kairatbirimkulov

A film that portrays the position of women in patriarchal society in an unembellished way. The tragic stories of three women based on true facts.

4 %
CHF 1’140
13 backers
Sewing for future

Politics and Community

Kabul and Kandahar

Sewing for future

by Education_for_Integration

Mit dem Projekt «sewing for future » wollen wir afghanische Frauen helfen selbstständig zu werden. Dadurch ermöglichen wir ihnen eine Chance zu überleben und ihre eigene Familie zu ernähren.

8 %
CHF 1’750
17 backers
Ukraine Stories

Publishing, Politics, and Journalism

Suisse and Ukrainka

Ukraine Stories

by Geneva Solutions, Fondation pour l'innovation et la diversité dans l'information, and Serge Michel

A platform to give a voice and financial support to Ukrainian and Russian journalists affected by war or censorship.

187 %
CHF 56’200
326 backers
Journalism is not a crime!

Photography, Politics, and Journalism


Meltem Oktay is in prison because she criticised the Turkish forces in the Kurdish areas in Turkey. They took her camera away. As a journalist she needs a new one when she comes free in November 2019.

36 %
CHF 1’477
22 backers
Humanitäre Hilfe auf Lesbos

Politics, Community, and Education

Lesbos Prefecture

Nach einem Volunteering auf Lesbos und einem Volunteering in Calais habe ich mich dazu entschieden, meinen Job aufzugeben und für mehrere Monate nach Lesbos zu reisen um Menschen in Not zu helfen.

183 %
CHF 5’518
51 backers
Leben aus dem Grab - Band 1

Science, Politics, and Literature

Alexandria and Weinfelden

Leben aus dem Grab - Band 1

by Inspyred Research

Unterstütze Band 1 einer bewegenden Trilogie. Ein verzweifelter ägyptischer Agent entdeckt in Venedig den ursprünglichen Zweck der Pyramiden und verhindert so den nuklearen Supergau durch Islamisten.

37 %
CHF 1’920
13 backers
Indian Muslims & Citizenship

Politics and Community


The project attempts to demonstrate the multiple inequalities and faultiness of exclusion which exposes the paradox and complexity of the concept of citizenship for Muslims.

0 %
0 backers

Politics and Community

Lugano, Athens, and Corinth


by Aletheia.RCS

Fundraising to purchase basic necessities (food and hygiene) for our projects in Corinth/Athens in support of migrants and refugees stuck in Greece

120 %
CHF 6’001
67 backers
Gin zu Ende, achtzehn Uhr

Publishing, Politics, and Literature


Nach «Der Klang der stummen Verhältnisse» starte ich eine Kampagne für den neuen Lyrikband. Gedichte schreiben braucht Zeit. Ich bitte um Deine Unterstützung, um das Buch abzuschließen.

106 %
EUR 2’563
37 backers
Dance With The Ghosts

Politics and Music


Dance With The Ghosts is a project by David Six. The aim is to release a double album of new music performed by two different ensembles, composed with reference to politically relevant topics.

101 %
EUR 15’195
130 backers
Socken mit Haltung

Fashion, Politics, and Community


Socken mit Haltung

by buero balanka

Haltung beginnt bei den Füßen. Das macht nicht nur aus orthopädischer Sicht Sinn. Darum haben wir passende Socken, um politische Haltung zu zeigen. Beispielsweise bei der kommenden Wien-Wahl.

106 %
EUR 6’362
253 backers
I, Rudolf

Publishing, Politics, and Comics


I, Rudolf

by Kurt FRANK

The life of Crown Prince Rudolf, son of Empress Sisi and Emperor Franz Joseph I, was dazzling and dramatic - and ended in tragedy. We are turning it into a historical graphic novel.