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316projects close to Oulan-Bator in science

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Oulan-Bator. But this may be of interest to you.
Kantonsschule am Brühl WYEF

Science, Politics, Kids / Youth, and Education


Kantonsschule am Brühl WYEF

by Kantonsschule am Brühl WYEF

Wir, 14 wissbegierige Jugendliche, wollen unser Schulwissen anwenden und über unsere heutige Wirtschaft diskutieren. Darum gehen wir ans World Youth Economic Forum in Shanghai!

42 %
CHF 1’180
15 backers
Happy Home make it your own

Science, Community, and Environment

Si Racha

CAD Arbeit für 3 Modellhäuser, damit arme Familien im Selbstbau ein modulares, einfaches, stabiles und bezahlbares Heim bauen können. Unterstütze uns die Prototypen in Serienproduktion umsetzen!

106 %
CHF 21’214
42 backers
Humanitarian MissionCambodia

Science, Community, and Kids / Youth

Phnom Penh

Medical Student, Project to leave 1 month in Phnom Penh, give basic care in Khmer Soviet hospital. Bring as well medicines, clothes and games for the children.

101 %
CHF 2’525
11 backers
For the Kids health in India

Science, Kids / Youth, and Environment

Hyderabad and Delhi

Air Pollution is a major issue in India, especially this time of the year! We want to provide school kids with an N95 PM 2.5 anti pollution facemask to help protecting their health.

8 %
CHF 440
6 backers
In the footsteps of the Eira

Science, Film, and Environment

Neuchâtel, Arkhangelsk, and Cambridge

This project aims to find and document the fantastic story of EIRA, the steamship of explorer Benjamin Leigh-Smith, having sunk in the Arctic archipelago of Franz Josef Land, in 1881.

1 %
CHF 500
4 backers
Swiss Space Academy

Science, Technology, and Tourism

Zvyozdny gorodok

Swiss Space Academy


Promouvoir, démontrer et enseigner qu'une formation de cosmonaute est possible pour tous. Simulation de sortie spatiale EVA dans une combinaison de cosmonaute russe Orlan, Cité des Etoiles, Moscou.

0 %
0 backers
Study Week Georgia 2018

Science, tourism, and Education


Study Week Georgia 2018

by Study Week Abroad 2018

We are 9 tourism students in Switzerland. For a study project, we would like to explore the variety that Georgia has to offer. Every support for our trip is greatly appreciated!

153 %
CHF 3’061
29 backers
Résidence Polaire

Science, Music, and Art


Résidence Polaire

by prosperthon

Au printemps 2017, nous embarquerons à bord du Knut, voilier de 15 mètres de l’association Marémotrice, pour une résidence d’artiste de 1 mois dans l’archipel du Spitzberg.

106 %
CHF 8’530
52 backers
Replanting Rainforest

Science, Community, and Environment

Vang Vieng, Miri, and Kuala Lumpur

Replanting Rainforest

by Ennia and Cameron

Our project will explore how resilient reforestation of Asian rainforests is achievable in collaboration with native communities. To reduce our footprint, we want to travel there by container ship.

162 %
CHF 13’008
31 backers
Support to Ukrainian Editors

Science, Publishing, and Literature


Support to Ukrainian Editors

by Pierre Mounier, Caroline, and mmaryl

The war in Ukraine is impacting our colleagues in scholarly publishing - We set up the Supporting Ukrainian Editorial Staff program to provide editorial staff in Ukraine with the help they need

125 %
EUR 20’768
116 backers
Overexploited Territories BS

Science, Publishing, and Architecture


Cartography was used throughout this research as a medium to depict specific geographical forms, complex informations and data to provide a reading of a continuously changing reality in the Baltic Sea

12 %
EUR 1’227
15 backers
The Glacier's Essence

Science, Publishing, and Art

Grönland and Glarus

The Glacier's Essence

by Martin Stützle

Wir erzählen in diesem Buch mit Fotografien und Kupferstichen Geschichten von Gletschern und Menschen in Grönland und der Schweiz. Texte von Klimaforschenden ergänzen die eindringlichen Bilder.