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667progetti vicino a Kigali in sport

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Abbiamo progetti un po’ dappertutto. Tuttavia, in questo momento non ce n’è di vicini a Kigali. Chissà se ti interessa questo qui?
Entwicklungshilfe Uganda

Sociale, infanzia / giovani e sport


In Kooperation mit dem FC Seefeld Zürich, versuche ich den Kindern in Uganda eine neue Lebensfreude zu geben. Dafür will ich die KGSA unterstützen und gemeinsam mit Euch die Armut bekämpfen!

104 %
CHF 5’245
28 sostenitori
Simba for Kids et running

Sociale, infanzia / giovani e sport


Ce projet d’une durée de 11 semaines a pour objectif d’aider l’association au quotidien, en promouvant l’éducation des jeunes, tout en bénéficiant de conditions propices à la course à pied.

109 %
CHF 4’375
47 sostenitori
WWSDA– Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe

Startup, sport e educazione


Hilfsprojekt an Kenianischen Schulen. Aufklärungsarbeit und Selbstverteidigungskurse für Mädchen u. Frauen. Ausbildung von einheimischen Trainerinnen vor Ort.

0 %
EUR 30
1 sostenitore
Studiare è un diritto umano

Infanzia / giovani, sport e educazione


Studiare è un diritto umano

di Denise Rotondo e Mardoche Sambou

Premiato miglior giocatore di pallacanestro del Gabon nel 2019, Sam ha bisogno di sostegno per pagare la tassa annuale per la sua laurea in Giugno 2024. Puoi aiutare lui e la sua famiglia. Dona adesso

101 %
CHF 12’205
18 sostenitori
Nager avec les dauphins

Sport, turismo e ambiente

Marsa Alam

Nager avec les dauphins

di Dolphin Lagoon

Nous organisons des croisières pour nager avec les dauphins libres par une approche respectueuse et souhaitons acheter notre propre bateau afin d’offrir une structure d’accueil stable et de qualité.

17 %
CHF 25’716
29 sostenitori

Sociale e sport

Port Elizabeth


di Jeanine

Open a CrossFit for all communities. CrossFit is for everyone. Keeps one healthy and helps in life. I need help for the affiliation fees, Level 1 and travelling costs for Level 1.

10 %
CHF 600
4 sostenitori
Skatepark social à Beyrouth

Sociale, infanzia / giovani e sport

Beirut e Sion

Skatepark social à Beyrouth

di Alexandre Rausis

Permets aux enfants et aux jeunes de Beyrouth d'accéder à un skatepark inclusif. En collaboration avec les communautés locales, nous travaillerons à rendre cet espace sûr et durable.

137 %
CHF 20’561
140 sostenitori
Supporting refugee women

Sociale, sport e educazione


EmpowerVan strengthens participants' confidence and sense of security by teaching self-defense, communication, de-escalation, and movement. Help us continue this important work!

100 %
CHF 8’002
89 sostenitori
Bikes for Refugees

Sociale e sport


Bikes for Refugees

di Bikes for Refugees

Many refugees are stuck on Lesvos. We organise excursions with bicycles, so they can get away from the monotony of everyday life at least for a moment. To realise them we depend on your donation!

6 %
CHF 670
7 sostenitori
Deaflympics 02.-13.März 2024



Die SUI Gehörlosen Curling Nati hat die Selektion an die Deaflympics (Gehörlosen Winter Olympiade) geschafft. 500 Athleten, 30 Länder, 6 Sportarten. Wir sind mit Mixed-Doppel und Herren Team dabei!

107 %
CHF 1’500
16 sostenitori
Yoga in school class

Infanzia / giovani, sport e educazione


Yoga in school class

di Yoga Himalaya

Be part of our beautiful project!
We do short yoga sessions in class, together with a professional tests, measuring the concentration levels in students, with really great positive result.

4 %
EUR 40
1 sostenitore
Sport and charity tool

Sociale e sport


Sport events promoting healthy and active lifestyle among young people, giving opportunities for regular sport activities on various sports – with different approaches – incl. charity sport.