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11905projects close to Athens

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Supporting refugee women

Community, Sport, and Education


EmpowerVan strengthens participants' confidence and sense of security by teaching self-defense, communication, de-escalation, and movement. Help us continue this important work!

100 %
CHF 8’002
89 backers
Fatima shall be arriving


Athens and Mitilini

Fatima shall be arriving

by SAO Association

Fatima and other SAO clients with children depend on our supermarket coupons. This enables them to cover their basic needs and start integrating in Greece.

101 %
CHF 50’564
216 backers

Politics and Community

Lugano, Athens, and Corinth


by Aletheia.RCS

Fundraising to purchase basic necessities (food and hygiene) for our projects in Corinth/Athens in support of migrants and refugees stuck in Greece

120 %
CHF 6’001
67 backers
Voyage Mythologique en Grèce

Kids / Youth and Education


Nous avons besoin de votre soutien afin de réaliser notre rêve! Nous sommes 12 jeunes passionné.es de mythologie et nous désirons partir en Grèce afin de découvrir cette fascinante civilisation.

104 %
CHF 8’330
60 backers
CLIMA – Climate Youth Fund

Startup, Community, and Environment

Zürich, Athens, and London

We are the first Climate Youth Fund; dedicated to engaging in funding climate tech and service innovation projects of young entrepreneurs, co-designing intergenerational future solutions.

200 %
CHF 50’007
240 backers
Segeln gegen Müll

Startup, tourism, and Environment


Segeln gegen Müll

by SegelExpedition

Wolltest du schon einmal im Urlaub relaxen und lagst stattdessen an einem Strand voller Müll? Wir leider auch. Das wollen wir ändern!
Dafür sammeln wir Müll im Mittelmeer für nachhaltigen Tourismus!

9 %
CHF 4’428
48 backers
Auf den Spuren des Abfalls

Film, Environment, and Education


Auf den Spuren des Abfalls

by SegelExpedition

Was nicht mehr am Strand liegt oder im Wasser treibt, kann auch keinem Meerestier mehr schaden. Deshalb sammeln wir aktiv Abfall an Stränden und fischen ihn auch aus dem Meer.

12 %
CHF 1’230
10 backers
AMINA wants to fly.


Athens and Zürich

AMINA wants to fly.

by SAO Association

AMINA is the SAO Community- and Empowerment Centre for women refugees in Athens. At AMINA we support them in taking their next steps towards integration. Help AMINA get momentum and into full swing!

118 %
CHF 59’288
258 backers
On Twour

Community, Sport, and Tourism

Verona, Venice, and Athens

On Twour

by On Twour

On Twour. Ein Projekt, welches das einfache und umweltfreundliche Reisen schmackhaft machen soll. Wir teilen mit Dir diverse Insider Informationen, die wir auf unserem Weg mit dem Fahrrad sammeln.

0 %
0 backers
Periptero: je t'aime moi...

Film, Journalism, and Community


Periptero: je t'aime moi...

by Periptero: je t'aime moi non plus

Film de reportage / 1911 – aujourd’hui: l’histoire, le présent et le futur des kiosques (periptera) grecs. Au travers de l’institution des kiosques on retrace toute l’histoire de la Grèce moderne.

3 %
EUR 1’050
3 backers

Exhibition, Community, and Art


Removement is an initiative by a group of Athenians that aim to embellish the historic centre of the city through mixed media installations, performances and collaborative projects!

0 %
EUR 20
1 backer
A-dash Project Space Athens



A-dash is an artist-led initiative in Athens, Greece, combining studios and a project space, with an emphasis on experimentation, collaboration and inter-disciplinary exchange.