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11923projects close to Gujjadi2

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Horse Centre Startup India

Startup, Education, and Animals


Horse Centre Startup India

by Urs Keller / Indien

I have a keen interest to establish a Marwari Horse Centre in South India and exporting the Marwari horse breed to Europe. My name is Ramdas Poojari, and my friend is Raja, a Marwari stallion.

10 %
EUR 320
4 backers
Ein Laptop für Sanjana

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


Ein Laptop für Sanjana

by Urs Keller / Indien

Sanjana ist im zweiten Studienjahr und hat einen veralteten Laptop. Sie kann sich keinen neuen Laptop, der für das Softwarestudium notwendig ist, leisten. Herzlichen Dank!

115 %
CHF 1’150
16 backers
Sanjanas Studium ermöglichen

Kids / Youth and Education


Sanjanas Studium ermöglichen

by Urs Keller / Indien

Sanjana lebt in Südindien in ärmlichsten Verhältnissen. Sie beendete die 12. Klasse mit Bestnote und begann ihr Informatikstudium. Das Ziel ist ihr zweites Studienjahr zu ermöglichen. Herzlichen Dank!

108 %
EUR 3’700
16 backers
Dogs need help too #covid19

Food and Community

Goa Velha and Vevey

Let's support 2 Indian organizations that help people and animals to get food after the complications brought by covid19

18 %
CHF 930
9 backers
Uataueist Project

Community, Performing arts, and Environment

Kanchipuram, Bengaluru, and Verscio

Uataueist Project


The Project:1)Creation of the show PLASTIKKATTI using recycled material.2)One month workshop with the students of KATTAIKKUTTU SANGAM.3)Creation of a collective show with the students.

104 %
CHF 6’273
60 backers
Pavithra becomes a nurse!

Community and Education


Pavithra becomes a nurse!

by Henriette & Stephi

Pavithra lives in South India with her family and would like to train as a nurse. The aim is to support her in this by financing her training and her living costs.

107 %
EUR 4’240
53 backers
earthship biotecture

Architecture, Community, and Environment


earthship biotecture

by Alexander & Raphael

Upcycling & recycling waste (mostly old tyres, bottles & cans) to build lovely self sustainable cottages & houses. Supporting locals to get conscious about the waste situation in India & create benefit

3 %
EUR 365
2 days to go
Leo 2016



Leo 2016

by Association Terre et Faune

Help us to raise the funds to build a recreational space for the leopards where they can spend a few hours per day in a plant enriched semi-natural space.

109 %
CHF 21’957
23 backers
The Market Spectacle

Performing arts, Comics, and Art

Mumbai, New York, and Zwölfaxing

The Market Spectacle


A website takes you on a virtual site-fiction journey told in film sequences about the question: «What do you want to become?» in New York City's Financial District.

9 %
EUR 618
23 backers
Indian Muslims & Citizenship

Politics and Community


The project attempts to demonstrate the multiple inequalities and faultiness of exclusion which exposes the paradox and complexity of the concept of citizenship for Muslims.

0 %
0 backers
None Of Them & Zweihund

Film and Music

Mumbai and Zurich

None Of Them & Zweihund

by Nice Try Records

«None Of Them» make music for the 22nd century. Filmmakers zweihund will shoot a video clip in India for the song «Silence», which will appear simultaneously with the debut album.

101 %
CHF 6’110
56 backers
Holy Chili!

Food and Film

Guntur, Stuttgart, and Offenburg

Holy Chili!

by Eva & Max Weingart

A documentary about the love of spicy food. Become part of our adventure trip to South India, to Asia’s biggest chili plantation!