Brendan Adams

Brendan Adams has worked hard to develop and grow not only as an artist but also as a songwriter and producer. His 4th Album is to be even more catchy and playfull.

Growing up in Cape Town, South Africa surrounded by good music, literature and a melting pot of culture planted the seed that developed into this piercing songwriter. With his strong poetic background he seemed destined to becoming a unique songwriter.
Brendan Adams has worked with some amazing artists and producers over the past years behind the scenes which will inevitably guide him to becoming one of the futures bright stars.

Brendans artistic influences include Sixto Rodriguez, Errol Dyers, Vusi Mahlasela, Bob Dylan and a range of poets and novelists. With 3 studio albums under his belt Brendan is in the process of completing a fourth album a project with European and South African artists.

His attitude towards life is fun loving yet very serious and determined. His down to earth personality always come across in his relative lyrical style.

Brendan Adams describes himself as more of a «slow burning fire» kind of guy. After a live performance most people ask themselves: «Who is this guy and why’ve I not heard him before?»

2010 Better Days (Boomslang Records / Roughtrade 2011)
2009 Ugly Universe (3 Track Pre-release)
2008 17 Eternities..
2008 Proof of Love (Solo Album)
2006 Pearly Sue

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