School material for Rwanda

Infanzia / giovani, turismo e educazione


School material for Rwanda

di Sangira - Friends of Rwanda

Sangira (to share in Kinyarwanda) enables disadvantaged youth from the rural region of Nyamasheke, Rwanda, to receive vocational training in the hospitality industry, thus creating a future for them.

100 %
CHF 15’050
48 sostenitori
schokke with z

Cinema, sociale e letteratura

Berna, Aarau e Reichenau

schokke with z

di Adrian und Matthias Zschokke

No other immigrant has influenced the fate of Switzerland as much as the writer and politician Johann Heinrich Daniel Zschokke. He will be 250 in 2021. A documentary film is on the agenda!

116 %
CHF 35’050
83 sostenitori

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  • Progetti realizzati dal 20127’511
  • Percentuale di successo di wemakeit62%
  • Ammontare totale dei finanziamentiEUR 105.9 Mio
  • Membri della community669’268