
Kunsttherapie Ausbildung

Art and Education


Nach 7 Jahren in der Schweiz bekam ich eine Aufenthaltsbewilligung & kann die Ausbildung zur Kunsttherapeutin machen! Dies gibt mir Kraft & eine neue Perspektive. Hilf mir mein Studium zu finanzieren.

205 %
CHF 8’651
61 backers
Neues Dach für den Tanzsaal

Architecture, Community, and Dance


Neues Dach für den Tanzsaal

by Genossenschaft Waldhaus

Das Dach unserer denkmalgeschützten Liegenschaft hat ein Leck. Spendest du uns einen oder mehrere Ziegel und hilfst mit, den darunter liegenden historischen Tanzsaal zu schützen? Jeder Ziegel zählt!

116 %
CHF 11’675
62 backers
‘HERE’ Méander album project

Music and Art


This new MÉANDER album project is all about being present, about being completely in the here and now. 13 new songs are waiting to be heard. I am collecting for the elaborate album production!

128 %
CHF 15’446
81 backers

Kids / Youth, art, and Animals



by Ralf Assmann

«ANIMAL Art» is an art and environmental education programme for school classes that uses creative and playful methods to impart knowledge about animal species.

105 %
CHF 12’694
97 backers
The health center

Startup and Community


The health center

by Silvio Gallo

Let's create a place of power for people where they can strengthen their well-being and health with various massages, yoga courses and natural products from the store.

105 %
CHF 10’590
58 backers

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  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,526
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 106.2 m
  • Community Members672,253