Gabriela Grubenmann Plattform-Relaunch

Sociale e ambiente


Ganzheitliche Gesundheit hat viele Facetten. bietet dir eine Plattform für die Vielfalt an holistischen Gesundheitsangeboten in der Schweiz. Hilf mit, fit fürd Zuekunft z mache!

104 %
CHF 46’819
166 sostenitori
Save our Empathy Initiative

Politica, sociale e educazione

Zurigo e Berna

Save our Empathy Initiative

di Empathie Initiative

We bring empathy back where it was lost. We hold courses in empathy and conflict resolution and we practice community building. In order to continue, we need help!

100 %
CHF 111’124
568 sostenitori
Support Empathy City Zurich

Politica, sociale e educazione


Support Empathy City Zurich

di Empathie Initiative

From Zurich, we offer the world a reminder that a much more empathic society is possible. We are a growing community, and we hold courses on empathy and conflict resolution. Now we need your support!

106 %
CHF 53’486
413 sostenitori
Shampoing eco Zollinger Bio

Startup, commercio equo e ambiente


Shampoing eco Zollinger Bio

di Zollinger Bio

Zollinger Bio lance son premier Shampoing Solide à base d'un extrait de lin bleu bio du jardin: doux et avec une mousse onctueuse, tout ça en disant adieu aux emballages plastiques!

273 %
CHF 27’356
681 sostenitori

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  • Sei tu a decidere quando pubblicare il tuo progetto
  • Progetti realizzati dal 20127’320
  • Percentuale di successo di wemakeit62%
  • Ammontare totale dei finanziamentiEUR 103 Mio
  • Membri della community648’905