One Last Night

Film and Art

Geneva and Los Angeles

One Last Night

by Cornland Studio

ONE LAST NIGHT, a poignant short film, follows two brothers facing their mother’s alcoholism in the heart of Los Angeles. Support the second short film by director Michael Guillod.

55 %
CHF 3’900
28 days to go
Assistenzhund für Colin

Community, Kids / Youth, and Animals


9-jähriger Autistenjunge braucht einen Assistenzhund. Der ihn als Freund und Therapiehund durch sein Leben begleiten und in vielen Bereichen des Lebens unterstützen kann.

73 %
CHF 1’468
24 days to go
"Nothing is Lost"

Performing Arts


«Nothing is Lost»

by Cie Il Branco

We are thirteen young artists (Cie Il Branco) and we will perform our piece «Nothing is Lost» at the Teatro Dimitri (TI) in October. We are spread all over Europe and we need your help to reunite!

112 %
CHF 3’374
32 backers
Pastel – Court-métrage

Film and Community


Pastel – Court-métrage

by Cornland Studio

Aidez-nous à réaliser le prochain court-métrage de Michael Guillod.

125 %
CHF 6’275
38 backers
se dire au revoir



se dire au revoir

by David Maye

Soutenez mon premier long-métrage documentaire «se dire au revoir», qui raconte l’histoire de ma famille confrontée à la maladie de ma mère.

208 %
CHF 22’920
222 backers


Fribourg, Lausanne, and Semsales


by Collectif Bad Taste Pictures

«Enora» is the next short movie of the Swiss collective Bad Taste Pictures. It tells the story of Enora, a young alien who crashes on Earth in an Italian forest during the second World War.

138 %
CHF 16’670
141 backers

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  • Successful projects since 20127,469
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 105.4 m
  • Community Members665,195