LiA «Quand l'Homme s'endort»


Geneva, Saignelégier, and Neuchatel

Le jeune artiste indépendant LiA doit finaliser son nouvel album réalisé à Bruxelles. Soutiens-le dans son projet!

104 %
CHF 8’900
82 backers
Grimsvötn EP



Grimsvötn EP

by Luzius Schuler

Die Band Grimsvötn schafft den Spagat zwischen lyrischer Eingängigkeit und satten tanzbaren Grooves. Mit deinem Beitrag unterstützt du eine EP mit Videoclip, sowie dazugehöriger Promotion und Label.

103 %
CHF 7’741
52 backers
New Come N’ Go Album


Berne, Neuchatel, and Zurich

Come N’ Go’s 4th and new album! After numerous successful concerts the last few years, we’ve decided to go for it one more time, just for you!

119 %
CHF 4’760
62 backers
The Department of Misfortunes

Film and Music


The Department of Misfortunes

by Benoît Gisler (The aerocharribang)

The Department of Misfortunes is an interactive show based on this concept: A stop-motion animation is projected and the public can vote and thus choose how the story will unfold. Eight musicians play the score live.

101 %
CHF 19’240
102 backers

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  • Successful projects since 20127,534
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 106.3 m
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